Thursday, January 31, 2013

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Positions on technology, technology development, technology critic ...

The following items can be distinguished:

a) Technology in itself is positive, the same as the progress of mankind. - Accidents, disasters, etc. are attributed to human error, that is, by technical progress, to turn himself in by the goal is to replace the fallible human beings by the infallible technique - but in the spirit of man ... Example: Nuclear power is problematic in itself and only through improper handling or lower interest (atomic bomb, war) is problematic.

b) Technology in itself is negative; technology development undermined the progress of mankind. Technology is here understood as a principle of the (human) world relationship. These include, for example, the criticism is part of the idea to keep the technology as infallible, that is, criticism of technology optimism, criticism of technology-euphoria, criticism of the "idolatry of technology," etc. - The man can not master the technique. Example: Even the hammer is just as problematic as the nuclear power and points to the problem of technology.
A variant of it: in particular, by the technology dominated the history of mankind has the technology operating in its character. Example: The hammer is a technique that can be controlled, nuclear power, however, shows the difference between Producing and presenting - it is uncontrollable in itself.

c) There is no art in itself, the technology development is a part of the historical dynamics. She is actually neutral, but nevertheless reflects a general progress - for example in terms of improving living conditions, democracy, information access, etc. In the art reflects the tendency of rationality in history. - Example: While some may also be destroyed with nuclear power, but in principle it is a blessing for the people dar.

d) The technique is dependent on its specific development of general living conditions and specific historical conditions, an sich allerdings erst einmal positiv (progressiv), das heißt sie stellt prinzipiell einen möglichen Fortschritt dar, der aber zum Beispiel durch die Ökonomie oder durch politische Interessen gehemmt wird – oder sogar ins Gegenteil umschlagen kann. Beispiel: Atomkraft im Kapitalismus ist problematisch und erst in einer sozialistischen Gesellschaft unproblematisch. Oder: Atombomben dienen eigentlich einer vernünftigen Politik der Abschreckung; erst in den Händen von Terroristen und Schurkenstaaten sind sie bedrohlich und gefährlich (also: das Technische selbst ist unproblematisch, nur die konkrete Anwendung ist ggf. problematisch).

e) Technik wird in ihrer konkreten Gestalt durch die gesellschaftlichen Bedingungen problematic, and to an extent that technology is no progress in their development even more. Example: to use the knowledge of nuclear physics in general, corresponds to a logic of modernity (capitalism), which together bring the technology in a direction that runs counter to any possibility of exemption, that is, is in a liberated society there will be a completely different technique (have to give or). Example: Nuclear power is unthinkable in an emancipated society.
additional or alternative: At the same time has caused the technology of modernity is already so much damage (destruction of nature) that, whilst retaining the existing technology must be used for the damage done by their to repair damage. For example, the consequences of the use of nuclear energy, the human race, if it does not, is still engaged the next year tens of thousands, they are the damages that can be probably averted only with the atomic force itself ...
Addition: Technology is already much too vague term in order to simultaneously take all the practical technical inventions and the abstract dynamics of the technical, but nevertheless, trends were identified that are responsible as well for the conceptual generalization and hypostasis of the art. The criticism is not the technology itself, but the technological rationality, its criticism is immanent criticism. Example: Nuclear Power is not only problematic when it comes to training and accidents, but problematic in itself is a legitimate as rational "thinking", the force of its rational logic sets in motion a development which inevitably ends up with nuclear power.

all positions (which are not shown in the subjunctive, to prevent a score) in common is that they require a dedicated and reflected the concept of technology (although not all positions on such a concept of technology).

These positions, which are in the (very diverse) use of nuclear power of course, a very good example would be, well to discuss in much more abstract view of complex ions of technology and technological development: What is the relationship between technology and computer networks and Numerikmaschinen, technological rationality and calculation processes? At the same time would be to discuss again and again to intervene in the extent to which technology or technical (technified) processes and procedures in the human living conditions, including whether it is possible and real, that> the technology 'or' the Technical \u0026lt;For example, in our awareness sediment (as form of consciousness?).

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Buy Disneyland Leather Bracelet

iPhone app on the Situationist International

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Registry Mechanic Vs Tuneup Utilities


"Welcome to the age of the crowd" Jeff Howe, Wired Magazine (2006)

Today, 2011, to still speak of the Internet phenomenon, seems rather ridiculous. Long included Web and Web 2.0 to our daily life, like the friend who has moved in without being asked by and by, a. At first only the toothbrush remains in the bathroom, then the tampon box and finally find yourself in pastel-colored linen back and it has not even noticed. When I ate the last time a frozen pizza, I do not know and now I change my socks every day, however. Actually it's quite comfortable with it. It decides most of manchmal beschwere ich mich - aus Prinzip - aber im Großen und Ganzen bin ich entspannt. Wenn ich will, nehme ich eben einfach wieder alles selbst in die Hand. Oder… kann ich das überhaupt noch? Welches Passwort hatte sie noch mal für unser WLAN festgelegt, wo war gleich meine PCWorld-Sammlung geblieben? Verdammt, was ist hier eigentlich los?

Ja verdammt, WAS ist hier eigentlich los? Gut war es doch gemeint gewesen, als die Open Source Software Bewegung einen aus der Abhängigkeit von Microsoft und Co. befreite. Hilfreich war es, als man plötzlich online Erfahrungsberichte zu Hotels lesen konnte, bevor man Unsummen für ein getarntes Asbestparadies ausgab. Die Musik einer jeden Band konnte are presented thanks to myspace at once to the public. On ebay you could Flohmarktkram its potential without the corrosive rid Rumgestehe and a click on Wikipedia was quickly alerted to the granular and could have their say at last. I am beginning to wonder now if all this was only the toothbrush you.

was well meant, for example, outsourcing: keep production costs low, so that prices remain low for consumers (Yes!) .
outsource was also no Internet, no Web 2.0. New to the digital offerings of capitalist enterprise is now crowdsourcing.
The online encyclopedia Wikipedia (da haben wir sie wieder) sagt dazu:
Crowdsourcing bezeichnet die Auslagerung von Unternehmensaufgaben und -strukturen auf die Intelligenz und die Arbeitskraft einer Masse von Freizeitarbeitern im Internet. Eine Schar kostenloser oder gering bezahlter Amateure generiert Inhalte, löst diverse Aufgaben und Probleme oder ist an Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekten beteiligt
und stellt somit selbst eines der anschaulichsten Beispiele dieses neuen Managementkonzeptes dar. Begründer des Begriffs, dessen Verbreitung weiter voranschreitet, sind 2006 Jeff Howe und Mark Robinson vom Wired Magazine.

Waren die meisten der genannten Plattformen bei ihrer Entstehung dazu gedacht, die neue digitale Welt be designed for the benefit of their users, then the potential of millions of networked individuals who work voluntarily in their spare time, have since been recognized by business and industry and has since been profitable according to (from) used. For here it is: the new source of cheap labor.

is Officially of course exactly what the customer traded wins through its own involvement to ultimately participation and autonomy. Companies like Boeing and Procter & Gamble use the network of InnoCentive to cost problems from research and development to solve by enthusiastic individuals to leave. A similar marketplace for innovations, NineSigma . Lego can work his fans in the design of new kits. In trade, the packagings shall be pointing Designed by Lego fans . There is no compensation for the many hours of work it is not, after all it is an honor for the fans to have helped develop a new product. Similarly, the far more complex solutions that are generated for example by InnoCentive . Although payments are definitely in here, for the individual, even out large extent be found, it remains to be noted that the traditional involvement of the research and development department would have been far more costly. But as Business problems to personal challenges that the (without knowing whether his idea will be considered later at all) individuals are met in his spare time with unreflected self-exploitation. With Amazon Mechanical Turk (the name is the principle of the chess Turks from the 18th century borrowed) less professionalized, the final masses are brought back on board. On everyone can accept small jobs that are designated by Amazon as HITs (Human Intelligence Tasks). This refers to tasks that can not satisfy a computer in general, as choosing the best of a series of similar photos or the determination of the interpreter in pieces of music. These HITs not usually take much time and accordingly will be billed: from cents to a few dollars a task.
This sounds at first not so bad because I could actually even a bit ... so what would make way but ... NO! If us this thought comes into your head, then we are already in the Middle: Trained by and for capitalism, consumer education is the also called. If one allocates the compensation of HIT's actually time working with the service, it is not surprising that there can be no more talk hourly wage - and it has not even noticed. Ultimately one has traded his free time to work, is just lost and still feel good and clever and crafty crazy. From the self-deception aside, a problem comes to light that we know already from globalization 1.0. A software company in Seattle that specializes in technical support modified, the activity of a repair run, the less complex but necessary because Java and Microsoft's knowledge could not be carried out by computers, once with $ 2000. On found the company a large number of so-called provider, the same work for $ 5 (!) were doing. The dimensions of such a development should at this Stelle nicht erläutert werden. Die Frage, die sich abschließend jedoch stellt ist: In welchen Laken versinkt der moderne Arbeitnehmer und wann realisiert er, dass er in Wahrheit gar nichts mehr in der Hand hat?


Jeff Howe: The Rising of Crowdsourcing ( In: Wired Nr. 14, Juni 2006

Markus Rohwetter: Vom König zum Knecht ( In: DIE ZEIT Nr. 39, 21. September 2006