Thursday, December 31, 2009

Wrecked Aircraft Sale

Wanderung zwischen den Jahren

Allen singers and friends of the women's and girls' choir Frech Hausen a Happy New Year and good luck in 2010
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Yesterday it was said, as announced, die Wanderschuhe zu schüren. Wasserfest sollten sich schon gewesen sein. Denn Winterwanderung konnte man es kaum nennen. Schwimmhäute hätten einem wachsen können. Dauerregen. Nebel. Aber egal .... wir haben uns die Laune nicht verderben lassen. Schließlich gibts kein falsches Wetter, sondern nur falsche Kleidung.
Gleich vorneweg eine Kuriosität: Drei Gönnersche Mädels waren die ersten beim Treffpunkt an der Linde! Auf besonderen Wunsch kann aber niemand erkennen, wer wer ist *hahaaa*
Regen von oben, Schneematsche von unten. Statt traumhaft schöne Aussichten ins Lahntal Nebel.
Ein paar Boxenstopps wurden eingelegt. The special race was this time the liquid jelly (bottom center)
Welcome to the objective: Caldern
When Gabi it made a final stop with champagne and dry shoes.
Her new job is not free of obscenities.
The restaurant "Zur Lahn bridge" was a worthy goal. Delicious food at good prices.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Size Of Blue Trojan Condoms


All members are cordially invited once again to lace up the hiking boots and make a winter march
We will meet on Wednesday 30 December, at 13:00 on the clock Linde Frech Stockhausen village.
We drive cars for peace village and embark from there on the way to the restaurant, "Lahn Bridge in Calder.
The return trip is expected to return by car-ride service, details to be clarified.
The registration deadline is already passed though. However, any / r, / who decides spontaneously to be there very welcome.
we look forward to a final this year for common good company.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Anti Freezing Pokemon Heart Gold Usa


Because of palindromgünstigen constellation of Aldi and Lidl, I was able to predict a level text with an effort to discount level and view many other supermarket reflections by the crystal ball:

Friday, December 4, 2009

Email About Baby Arrival

palindromes and comedy

That Palindrome, despite their apparent are as dry and boring comedy, proves this clip from the TV series "Six Degrees" impressive:
just strange that of all the Word "Marktkram" that would have information on this electronic market setting with funky Palindromfreaks fit perfectly as an employee, does not occur.