Saturday, January 15, 2011

At Carmines Italian Grill The Hourly Wage

Jahreshauptversammlung 2011

Annual General Meeting 2011 was held on 05.01. place in the pub Frech Hausen.

Our 1st Chair Tende Gabi Mueller welcomed the members present and our conductor Prof. Dr. Achim Heinrichs.
After a serenade with the song "Evening Prayer" we remembered the deceased members.

Greetings from the Dirirgenten:
thanked in his speech, our conductor for the performance in the previous year. Particularly noteworthy in this case was the "Fair concert" on 04 September in the Catholic Church in Gladenbach. Together with the other two houses Frech choirs, the MGV and the choir group Piccolo was there presented challenging choral literature.
Despite the overall small band we had a rousing chorus sound that would evoke a positive response with our performances. Dafür erteilte uns der Dirigent ein großes Kompliment.
Für die Zukunft des Chores wäre es wichtig, weitere Sängerinnen zu begeistern. Man müsse ein Merkmal erarbeiten, welches nur DIESER Chor habe.

Jahresbericht 2010:
Gabi Müller erwähnte in ihrem Jahresbericht für 2010 nochmals die diversen Ereignisse und Veranstaltungen, wie z.B. Ständchen zu Geburtstagen und Hochzeiten, Freundschaftssingen bei befreundeten Chören, diverse Konzerte uvm.
Erstmalig hatten wir einen Seniorennachmittag ausgerichtet, der von allen Anwesenden mit Begeisterung aufgenommen was and was asked to repeat.

The highlight of the year was undoubtedly the performance of the choir Mass in Gladenbach. The proceeds of this event and donations for a "surge" as a donation from a total 3000th - pass € to the center for the disabled in Gladenbach.

Gabi finally thanked everyone for their dedication in the past year. Much had to be overcome and learn hard. Also, she thanked her Executive colleagues for the excellent cooperation. Not to forget became our conductor, which a not inconsiderable role in the success deserve.

At 45 hours of exercises that were visited on average by 16 of the 23 active singers, Birgit court had not a single wrong hour. She got it a little present and a big thank presented beautifully. Only 1 missing hours had Gabi Mueller, Iris bag and Ulrich Schäfer.
31.12.2010 included the choir 23 active and 50 passive members.

financial report:
The financial report was presented by the cashier. The two internal auditors certified correct and proper management of finances.

approval of the Board:
The previously elected assembly leader Ulrike Schaefer asked for discussion on the reports submitted to approval of the board. This was made from the ranks of those present and adopted unanimously.

should Melanie Schmidt will be honored for 20 years of membership. Gretel field support of the club for 20 years. Roswitha Schnorrenberg for 10 years, active in our ranks. Unfortunately, none of the above take part in the AGM. The honors will be rescheduled at a later date.

Upcoming Events 2011:
02.04. Angel Burger choir concert patrons in
06.05. Friendship singing of the MGV Gladenbach
07.05. Day trip of three local choirs Fair concert
19.06. Gemeinschaftsbratpartie at the refuge Frech Hausen
25.06. Friendship singing of the MVG Ballersbach
14.08. Brunch at the Village Festival Frech Hausen
03.09. Potato Festival in the refuge Frech Hausen
05.11. "60 + 2 years" singer Biedenkopf district in the hinterland Hall
13.11. Participation in the commemoration of Memorial Day
26.11. Advent Concert in the DGH Frech Hausen

Gabi is again received on the 07th for Day trip planned for May of Witty Homes choirs. There should either be presented in the cathedral or in the parish church choir the fair. Other milestones for this day are in the planning.
Again, the issue of new singers. Verschiedene Gedanken und Ideen zur Mitgliederwerbung wurden gesammelt.
Es werden auch in den nächsten Monaten zusätzliche Messegesangstunden nötig sein. Genaueres dazu wird vom Dirigenten ausgearbeitet und rechtzeitig mitgeteilt.

Nach Klärung weiterer Vorschläge und Anliegen beschloss Gabi Müller die Versammlung.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Burt's Bees No Menthol

Winter Park and State Items

Hallo meine Freunde!

There is a new park!
The park is designed wintry been
I like the parking lot and you?
Oh yes, there are new items State
They look really great right? : D
:) If you play Chobots want then click here and then clicking where you can buy you civic State: D
Das wars auch schon :) Byeeeeeeeee
Halt ich hab was vergessen ich suche immer noch mitblogger wenn ihr bei mir mitblogger sein wollt dann schreibt euren namen als Kommentar :)
eure chriissiix3

Wildlife Rescue Thornberrys


Das alte Jahr ist vergangen. Ein Neues hat begonnen.
The Board wishes all active and passive members, and all the loyal fans:

a successful year
12 healthy months
365 great days
8760 pleasant hours
525 600 minutes happy
always good voice and
continue to have fun singing!

not forget
This coming Wednesday, 01/05/2011 is the annual general meeting.
There are important issues on the agenda. Drum will be asked to show as complete.


Well equipped with cuffs, weatherproof shoes and headdress warming started on the penultimate day of the year now past ten singers inside for the winter migration. By 14 clock march was in the village linden tree.

Because of the many snow from the planned route was through the Sähl about "500" abruptly changed. The journey is the destination.
So - first Lixfeld direction.
It was only by name here.
Too much candy was pulled out of the backpacks.
Oh, someone was not a glass of it.
nix power, is just transferred.
There was even percentages!

Quarkini on salt rod handle - a new flavor composition.
And - who has already recognized, while leading us the way??
Important! Should not press this button and one woman.
Because ... otherwise what happens. We do not know what, but something happened, assures us was powerful.
"Ten Little Niggers who have lost.
Now we're standing here in front of your door,
and want a .. .. "
After a two-part song for two handfuls of singers
gave it to Liquid:
And off we went. Direction refuge Lixfeld.
was sitting here with nothing.

Aaah! Bifiröllchen, still with no cheese. Yummy!
trudged Daring these two through the deep snow.

Short break for P-Pause, Cappu and more ..

-days goal. In the pub at Jutta we made our conclusion with the usual delicious food, music and rocking.
It was a beautiful hike.
pity that so few could be there.
2010 was an eventful year friendship with singing, choir brunch and much more. Many singing lessons, tension, excitement and cramming-cramming, cramming for our biggest project to date in club history:
the exhibition tour in September.
Unfortunately, it worked in not quite the coverage.
I was just too much for the time short.
I apologize and promise soon!