medizinische Gründe AUS MEDIZINISCHEN GRÜNDEN haben wir heute eine dreistündige Wanderung gemacht. Denn Bewegung an der frischen Luft ist gesund.
Gut gerüstet mit warmen Jacken, Handschuhen, Mützen und gefüllten Rucksäcken machten wir uns on the road. Accompanied
and we were sheltered from Fino.
of thirteen women, we were on the road. Hey, someone is missing here! Bill, where did you hide yourself?
"The journey is the destination"
so stable at the starting point for the first Dorflinde
direction refuge .
first breather, it's cold. We need more gloves. And something about the internal heating.
It is windy, wind chill -20 ° degrees.
Next by Lixfeld Area.
On 'four-country corner "towards sports court patrons, past the house of the forest KiGa patrons.
Past Meuersch court over fox's hole and back to Salzbudchen Frech Hausen.
brief chat with colleagues.
And then the well-deserved snack at the mulled wine festival of the SSV Naughty home, where we sat for a while together.
a great time!! Now there are
still 4 days until the new year. Do not forget the AGM on Wednesday, Jan 14, 2009 at 19.30 in the brasserie Frech Hausen. The invitations have already been dealt. Who has not received any reports please the Board.
Happy and see you at 14.01.