Monday, December 1, 2008

Cysts Urethra Surgery

Adventskonzert 2008

Welcome we welcomed our listeners and guest choirs, who had come on Saturday for Christmas concert at the community center. For many years, this event will be held on Samstag vor dem 1. Advent statt.

Die Bühne und die Tische im Saal waren festlich geschmückt.

Der Saal hat sich gefüllt, es geht los.
Das Konzert wurde von uns eröffnet mit einem portugiesischen Weihnachtslied und der bekannten Weise "Es ist ein Ros entsprungen"
Im zweiten Teil sangen wir "Spinn, spinn, liebe Tochter" und den Gospel "I want to go to heaven"
Im Anschluss betraten Sangesfreunde Breidenstein from our stage.
you have two ways in the Christmas repertoire
even had a guitar, the men had in their luggage. "Take Me Home, Country Road, to the place ...." it sounded. Many sang in the hall quietly.
Timbre and did the MGV Frech Hausen. Toll sounded their songs. We are really proud of you, men!

With a new look and four Christmas songs surprised us the singers from the women's and girls' choir Lixfeld.
As thanks for their outstanding work were presented to the conductor a little present.
Our 1st Gabi Mueller Chairman wished everyone a Christmas poem a peaceful Christmas season. Finally, there have been played from all throats "power up the door." Together they have celebrated some time together.
Once again it was a really great concert, the audience enjoyed the song presented lectures and it certainly does not repent, have left at the prevailing cold, the warm room in order not to miss this.


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