Sunday, July 25, 2010

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iPhone! There Loading ... oh ... Pi!

In einer Welt voller Technik mit Twitter-Smartphones und ständiger Vernetzung wäre es natürlich interessant zu erfahren, ob und inwiefern all die neuen Möglichkeiten die Welt der Palindrome beeinflussen. Sicherlich, Arthur Schopenhauer hatte es eindeutig schwerer, seine wenigen Spiegelwörter zu finden als zum Beispiel Peter Norvig whose computerized Palindromexperiment's almost legendary. Still, what about the small, in the microcosm of the art, so to speak, on cell phones?

claimed to know this much less time than I thought. In the AppStore on the iPhone, I discovered right away two very interesting programs I would like to present below.
start with, there would be the program "palindrome". Behind the little imaginative but still very appropriate name hides a simple implementation of the website of the developer ! There is simply nothing more than a Palindromgenerator, In his works also partially overlapping with that of , but felt a little less extensive. The information required about eighty cents, the program is in any case not worth it.

The second palindromic iPhone App also carries a very simple
title and is called "Palindromes." Fittingly, a Finnish developer of
team (think one of Finland's lead in the one-word "discipline) this small free application provides us with 500 English palindromes, sorted into four categories. This level is justified in any case, even a brief glance.
Was lernen wir also daraus? Im wesentlichen hat sich an der Arbeit eines Palindromisten nichts geändert. Kleinere Programme für Handys mögen ganz witzig sein, richtig Palindrome zu erfinden ist und bleibt allerdings Handarbeit.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

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Aktenzeichen XY ... unresolved

Schon seit einiger Zeit begegnet mir bei diversen Recherchen in Verbindung mit der Palindrommaterie ein Name: EDWARD BENBOW .
Auf verschiedenen Websites wird er erwähnt, immer wieder wird in diesem Zusammenhang ein schier unglaubliches Unterfangen genannt: Ein englischsprachiges Megapalindrom von schier ungeheuren Ausmaßen! Zum Teil wird von 80 000 Wörtern gesprochen (zum Vergleich: my Palindromtext slack on the other hand has 3500 words)! Elsewhere, one finds only orders of magnitude of about 20 000 letters, which now is not so impressive. Also about the time of origin is not well known. Some sources speak of a publication around 1894, others claim to contradictorily, 1984 (This whole dilemma seems to be based on a transposed digits, 1984 is the basis of the responses most likely option). With all this speculation, it appears to be at Mr Benbow so only very few reliable facts to give. For example, it is considered certain that he lives in the small English town of Bewdley / e .

That being said, there are no confirmed Facts. Therefore, I hereby officially ask: Who knows

a man named Edward Benbow, living in Bewdley UK, age unknown, with the special mark of a very long palindrome? Please reply as a comment or use the contact;)

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After today I have even scoured my archives, I Satzpalindrom a wonderful caught my eye, I've even dug out ages ago in an Internet community. Without too much digression, I would like to present to the audience so readily inclined this highly amusing find. Have fun!

conversation between husband and wife before the wedding or relationship:
He: "Finally, I have been waiting for so long!"
you: "Do you want me to go
He:" No! How do you figure? The very idea is terrible for me, "
you:" Do you love me "He
:" Of course! Anytime, day or night "
you:" Have you ever cheated me "
He:" No! Never! Why do you ask "
you:" Will you kiss me "
He:" Yes, every time I have the opportunity to "
you:" Would you ever hit me "He
:" Are you crazy ? You know how I am "
you:" Can I trust you fully, "he
? "Yes."
you, "My Sweetheart" Seven years later

you have it then read the other way around;)

PS: Some time ago, this palindrome in a slightly different form, but were no less awesome implemented by Dirk Bach in one of his short-lived sketch comedies. A recording of this great sketch but nowhere If I can find -.- So have any of my readers randomly recorded exactly the program or have access to this highly controversial Viedomaterial;), I would be a short contact and possible subsequent get-me-make of the sketch very grateful and pleased!

Addendum 01/12/2010: Indeed! Finally I found the fantastic Sketch Dirk Bach! Have fun ...

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laying rhymes, HCl - Chemistry rule!

in the chemistry of Wikipedia, I discovered some time ago, an extraordinary piece Fund: A seven-letter term Nonkomposita-palindrome! Claimed veteran Hans-Georg Stengel in his cult book still there which only three, besides the well-known RETIRED namely also the inflection nets and the more weakly occupied egologically, I can now also (and I am particularly pleased to one such occasion, I've been looking for years), the salts and esters of tartaric acid to add. We are talking about TARTRATE ! This word ekes obviously been a shimmering mirror of existence, but much of it unnoticed by various Palindromsammlungen. And amazingly, although it is mentioned in the Wikipedia entry on the double life of that chemical substance!

This finding alone is enough for me but not yet! Also, the salt of tannic acid, tannin is a perfect one-word palindrome! This time, unfortunately with only six letters, yet, the Tannat (which incidentally, also referred to a special variety) is a nice complement to stem with only seven words also very sparse Sechsbuchstabenpalindrom-Sammlung.

Um diese beiden chemischen Palindrome nun aber ein für alle Mal bekannter zu machen, und um ihnen also endlich zu ihrem reversiblen Recht zu verhelfen, stelle ich diese Worte nun ganz offiziell hier vor.
Scheint also, als müsste das Gehege für sechs- und siebenbuchstabige Nonkomposita-Pabus (um eine Begrifflichkeit von Stengel zu verwenden) doch ein wenig vergrößert werden. So bleibt mir nichts, als mich zukünftig etwas intensiver mit der plötzlich deutlich interessanteren Chemie zu befassen, um andere Palindrome aufzuspüren und zu hoffen, dass bald ein längeres deutsches Palindrom als der etwas eingestaubte RELIEFPFEILER endlich in Alltagsgesprächen nachgewiesen wird!