In einer Welt voller Technik mit Twitter-Smartphones und ständiger Vernetzung wäre es natürlich interessant zu erfahren, ob und inwiefern all die neuen Möglichkeiten die Welt der Palindrome beeinflussen. Sicherlich, Arthur Schopenhauer hatte es eindeutig schwerer, seine wenigen Spiegelwörter zu finden als zum Beispiel Peter Norvig whose computerized Palindromexperiment's almost legendary. Still, what about the small, in the microcosm of the art, so to speak, on cell phones?
claimed to know this much less time than I thought. In the AppStore on the iPhone, I discovered right away two very interesting programs I would like to present below.

start with, there would be the program "palindrome". Behind the little imaginative but still very appropriate name hides a simple implementation of the website of the developer ! There is simply nothing more than a Palindromgenerator, In his works also partially overlapping with that of , but felt a little less extensive. The information required about eighty cents, the program is in any case not worth it.
title and is called "Palindromes." Fittingly, a Finnish developer of
team (think one of Finland's lead in the one-word "discipline) this small free application provides us with 500 English palindromes, sorted into four categories. This level is justified in any case, even a brief glance.
Was lernen wir also daraus? Im wesentlichen hat sich an der Arbeit eines Palindromisten nichts geändert. Kleinere Programme für Handys mögen ganz witzig sein, richtig Palindrome zu erfinden ist und bleibt allerdings Handarbeit.
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