Sunday, July 18, 2010

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Aktenzeichen XY ... unresolved

Schon seit einiger Zeit begegnet mir bei diversen Recherchen in Verbindung mit der Palindrommaterie ein Name: EDWARD BENBOW .
Auf verschiedenen Websites wird er erwähnt, immer wieder wird in diesem Zusammenhang ein schier unglaubliches Unterfangen genannt: Ein englischsprachiges Megapalindrom von schier ungeheuren Ausmaßen! Zum Teil wird von 80 000 Wörtern gesprochen (zum Vergleich: my Palindromtext slack on the other hand has 3500 words)! Elsewhere, one finds only orders of magnitude of about 20 000 letters, which now is not so impressive. Also about the time of origin is not well known. Some sources speak of a publication around 1894, others claim to contradictorily, 1984 (This whole dilemma seems to be based on a transposed digits, 1984 is the basis of the responses most likely option). With all this speculation, it appears to be at Mr Benbow so only very few reliable facts to give. For example, it is considered certain that he lives in the small English town of Bewdley / e .

That being said, there are no confirmed Facts. Therefore, I hereby officially ask: Who knows

a man named Edward Benbow, living in Bewdley UK, age unknown, with the special mark of a very long palindrome? Please reply as a comment or use the contact;)


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