Wednesday, March 9, 2011
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Tuesday, March 8, 2011
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"Welcome to the age of the crowd" Jeff Howe, Wired Magazine (2006)
Today, 2011, to still speak of the Internet phenomenon, seems rather ridiculous. Long included Web and Web 2.0 to our daily life, like the friend who has moved in without being asked by and by, a. At first only the toothbrush remains in the bathroom, then the tampon box and finally find yourself in pastel-colored linen back and it has not even noticed. When I ate the last time a frozen pizza, I do not know and now I change my socks every day, however. Actually it's quite comfortable with it. It decides most of manchmal beschwere ich mich - aus Prinzip - aber im Großen und Ganzen bin ich entspannt. Wenn ich will, nehme ich eben einfach wieder alles selbst in die Hand. Oder… kann ich das überhaupt noch? Welches Passwort hatte sie noch mal für unser WLAN festgelegt, wo war gleich meine PCWorld-Sammlung geblieben? Verdammt, was ist hier eigentlich los?
Ja verdammt, WAS ist hier eigentlich los? Gut war es doch gemeint gewesen, als die Open Source Software Bewegung einen aus der Abhängigkeit von Microsoft und Co. befreite. Hilfreich war es, als man plötzlich online Erfahrungsberichte zu Hotels lesen konnte, bevor man Unsummen für ein getarntes Asbestparadies ausgab. Die Musik einer jeden Band konnte are presented thanks to myspace at once to the public. On ebay you could Flohmarktkram its potential without the corrosive rid Rumgestehe and a click on Wikipedia was quickly alerted to the granular and could have their say at last. I am beginning to wonder now if all this was only the toothbrush you.
was well meant, for example, outsourcing: keep production costs low, so that prices remain low for consumers (Yes!) .
outsource was also no Internet, no Web 2.0. New to the digital offerings of capitalist enterprise is now crowdsourcing.
The online encyclopedia Wikipedia (da haben wir sie wieder) sagt dazu:
Crowdsourcing bezeichnet die Auslagerung von Unternehmensaufgaben und -strukturen auf die Intelligenz und die Arbeitskraft einer Masse von Freizeitarbeitern im Internet. Eine Schar kostenloser oder gering bezahlter Amateure generiert Inhalte, löst diverse Aufgaben und Probleme oder ist an Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekten beteiligt
und stellt somit selbst eines der anschaulichsten Beispiele dieses neuen Managementkonzeptes dar. Begründer des Begriffs, dessen Verbreitung weiter voranschreitet, sind 2006 Jeff Howe und Mark Robinson vom Wired Magazine.
Waren die meisten der genannten Plattformen bei ihrer Entstehung dazu gedacht, die neue digitale Welt be designed for the benefit of their users, then the potential of millions of networked individuals who work voluntarily in their spare time, have since been recognized by business and industry and has since been profitable according to (from) used. For here it is: the new source of cheap labor.
is Officially of course exactly what the customer traded wins through its own involvement to ultimately participation and autonomy. Companies like Boeing and Procter & Gamble use the network of InnoCentive to cost problems from research and development to solve by enthusiastic individuals to leave. A similar marketplace for innovations, NineSigma . Lego can work his fans in the design of new kits. In trade, the packagings shall be pointing Designed by Lego fans . There is no compensation for the many hours of work it is not, after all it is an honor for the fans to have helped develop a new product. Similarly, the far more complex solutions that are generated for example by InnoCentive . Although payments are definitely in here, for the individual, even out large extent be found, it remains to be noted that the traditional involvement of the research and development department would have been far more costly. But as Business problems to personal challenges that the (without knowing whether his idea will be considered later at all) individuals are met in his spare time with unreflected self-exploitation. With Amazon Mechanical Turk (the name is the principle of the chess Turks from the 18th century borrowed) less professionalized, the final masses are brought back on board. On everyone can accept small jobs that are designated by Amazon as HITs (Human Intelligence Tasks). This refers to tasks that can not satisfy a computer in general, as choosing the best of a series of similar photos or the determination of the interpreter in pieces of music. These HITs not usually take much time and accordingly will be billed: from cents to a few dollars a task.
This sounds at first not so bad because I could actually even a bit ... so what would make way but ... NO! If us this thought comes into your head, then we are already in the Middle: Trained by and for capitalism, consumer education is the also called. If one allocates the compensation of HIT's actually time working with the service, it is not surprising that there can be no more talk hourly wage - and it has not even noticed. Ultimately one has traded his free time to work, is just lost and still feel good and clever and crafty crazy. From the self-deception aside, a problem comes to light that we know already from globalization 1.0. A software company in Seattle that specializes in technical support modified, the activity of a repair run, the less complex but necessary because Java and Microsoft's knowledge could not be carried out by computers, once with $ 2000. On found the company a large number of so-called provider, the same work for $ 5 (!) were doing. The dimensions of such a development should at this Stelle nicht erläutert werden. Die Frage, die sich abschließend jedoch stellt ist: In welchen Laken versinkt der moderne Arbeitnehmer und wann realisiert er, dass er in Wahrheit gar nichts mehr in der Hand hat?
Jeff Howe: The Rising of Crowdsourcing ( In: Wired Nr. 14, Juni 2006
Markus Rohwetter: Vom König zum Knecht ( In: DIE ZEIT Nr. 39, 21. September 2006
Invitation Wordings With Funny

Our company has a demographic problem, the number of old people is growing rapidly, in contrast to the young even decreased is. This has among other things, a dramatic rise in the cost of social households-result. Increasingly, the replies is that high-tech show, a friendly and durable robots a cost perspective for the future, and could thus provide a remedy. Not to mention the activities in which people despite Hochtechnisier-ung still maintained with an extremely unpleasant work. Is Artificial Intelligence (hereinafter abbreviated as KI), but also able to provide models of the human or create AI and robotics at the end, at best, intelligent but unfeeling Zombies?
In the late 40s of last century in the United States, the first mainframe computer was put into operation, was still far from being called to the computational abilities as a wise or even an "artificial intelligence" . speak Today, however, does now have any school calculator far more than that then computer.
Without that we are aware, is now even a significant part of our lives guided by AI (an). The necessary computer programs, however, often operate in secret. Namely where they are not aware of directly, but rather their benefits, we now recognize as something our everyday life associated. If we fly in an airplane, for example, allow us to weather forecasts predict that use speech recognition systems for dictation of text or stock prices are predicted to always be highly complex computer systems involved. Whether we have this now can be described as intelligent or not, can initially be an open question. Caution should be, however, were just such services performed by a human, probably no one would hesitate to describe him as intelligent. (Mainzer 2006: 79)
experiments we therefore first of all to turn in a few words the concept of intelligence, before we then go on to ask her for artificial production. With an intelligence test, is commonly attempted to measure individual differences, therefore, how a person differs in relation to a particular dimension of other people or like them. Whether something or someone is called intelligent depends here mainly on the way to the task and measurement des Testes ab. Im Standarteinführungswerk der Psychologie von Zimbardo/Gerrig ist folgende Definition zu lesen: „Intelligenz ist eine sehr allgemeine Fähigkeit, die unter anderem die Fähigkeiten zum schlussfolgernden Denken, zum Planen, zum Problemlösen, zum abstrakten Denken, zum verstehen komplexer Ideen, zum raschen Auffassen und zum Lernen aus Erfahrung einschließt.“ (Gottfredson 1997: S.13) In Anbetracht der Weitläufigkeit, dieser nur exemplarisch genanten Definition von Intelligenz, sollte deutlich gemacht werden, warum deren Feststellung immer zu ausschweifenden Kontroversen geführt hat.
Lange Zeit hielt man darum an der vom britischen Mathematiker Alan Turing defined measure of artificial intelligence set. This described in his 1950 published paper "Computing Machinery and Intelligence" the idea that only something as serious AI to recognize when it is following test. In a separate space and a man sitting in front of a screen and keyboard communicates with a computer or a human. It can arbitrarily questions are asked, as long as they comply with the logic of a real communication. Can the person communicate by means of understanding not distinguish whether it is just a computer or a real person, the computer passed the test. Turing predicted that this would be done later than in 2000. To this day, but no machine has passed the Turing test really. Although there were promising signs here and there, like Joseph Weizenbaum's program "ELIZA" often turns out to be a dead end but then quickly. ELIZA was only to simulate a very simple manner in a position to a psychiatrist, based on specific keywords and phrases to the following question. (Weizenbaum 1978: 15-18) but more surprising, then, was the impact that this program had on the volunteers and recipients. After it was by an American psychiatrist serious consideration to use as a precursor to a real psychiatrist ELIZA conversation, so as to optimize costs and benefits, was Joseph Weizenbaum quasi converted. From now on, he struck out on the side of technology skeptics and became one of the best known critic of AI research. (Ibid. 1978: 19-21)
Human intelligence is only one of many examples, intelligent active systems. Because of the evolution have evolved under different conditions of life on Earth, different forms of intelligent organisms, which under other circumstances would be able to develop quite differently. This is based on biochemical nervous systems of increasing complexity, which allow an independent adaptation to changing environmental conditions. From a technological point of view, however, were specifically in the last 20 years, computer developed with rapidly growing computing line. Technically different bases, they achieve - as previously mentioned - benefits that we call human and animal quite sure as intelligent. If we limit ourselves therefore in the definition of intelligent systems only to primates we should, "as in the time of Aristotle, the earth at the center and limit the laws of physics to it." (Mainzer 2006: 79) Modern science, however, is to concerned to find laws that apply under the appropriate conditions everywhere in the universe. The AI \u200b\u200bresearch therefore seeks general laws for intelligent Systeme unterschiedlichster Art zu erfassen. In ihrer Anfangszeit war die KI-Forschung noch darauf bedacht, intelligente Computerleistungen ausschließlich am Menschen zu messen. Das dies wenig Sinn macht, wird schnell klar, wenn man bedenkt, dass es ebenso unsinnig wäre die Bewegung des Fliegens lediglich anhand von Flügelschlägen zu bestimmen. Wäre dem so, hätten wir sicher nie den Propeller oder die Turbine erfinden können. Der wirklich technische Erfolg setzt eben erst dann ein und gilt als innovativ, wenn generalisierbare Gesetzmäßigkeiten, wie die der Mechanik, Elektronik oder Akustik, erkannt sind und damit einhergehend neue Problemlösungsstrategien imaginiert werden. Das der Menschen sich täuscht, fehlinterpretiert or is inaccurate responses, is less a lack rather than special about him, because it helps him get along well in ambiguous situations. Exactly such ambiguous situations are, however, which makes the AI researchers have before seemingly insurmountable problems. Although, the variable number of the analyzed situations, from a system purely hypothetical seen through its information-receiving instruments (in humans, the receptors) and therefore their variations are limited, but this is not technically get at that simple. That which we call intuition and often can not describe rational, can be programmed precisely for this reason is difficult.
to develop Instead of embracing intelligent systems, the AI \u200b\u200bresearchers therefore initially limited to, computers to specialize in a very specific part demarcated area. These are expert systems (intelligent systems) called. Such expert systems are AI programs that collect store of knowledge about a very specific area and to draw conclusions from this automatic and provide specific solutions or diagnoses, again very specific questions. (See, Mainz 2006: 79) The first commercial success could be therewith in the 1980s to gain in the calculation of weather forecasts. Normally the processing solcher Systeme, aber nicht über ein gewöhnliches „Wenn-Dann“ Regelwerk hinaus. Somit können sie zwar sehr hilfreiche Unterstützung in verschiedensten Alltags- (bspw. Routenplaner) und Berufssituationen (bspw. medizinische Diagnosen) liefern, gelangen aber auch schnell an ihre Grenzen, sobald sich kleinste graduelle Abweichungen beim Input ergeben. Gerade in späteren Fehleranalysen zeigt sich, dass das System eben nur so gut ist, wie die Eingaben, mit dem man es speist. (vgl. Dietz 2003: 57)
Das Beste wäre also, wenn sich das System selbst „speisen“ würde und sich zudem anhand falscher Ergebnisse auch eigenständig weiterentwickelt. Eine sich selbst reproduzierende Maschine wurde lange Zeit als unmöglich aufgefasst, bis Mitte der 50er Jahre vom österreichischen Mathematiker John Neumann das Gegenteil bewiesen wurde. Er stellte heraus, dass nicht die Art der materiellen Bausteine für die Selbstreproduktion grundlegend sind, sondern vielmehr ihre Organisationsstruktur, welche eine vollständige Beschreibung von sich selbst enthalten muss. (Mainzer 2006: 82) So ist auch der genetische Code, durch welchen der Bauplan des Menschen determiniert ist, nichts weiter als ein sich selbst reproduzierender, organischer Schlüssel, welcher durch Mutationen und Umgebungsharmonisierung eine Anpassung und Weiterentwicklung an sich verändernde Umweltbedingungen bewirkt. Selbstverständlich is thus not by the man-made and for him back acting culture must be ignored. Although this is seen graphically, in a self-referential system, such as that of biochemical DNA embedded, there is also still in a variety of non-materialistic form. What is remarkable about genetic algorithms is that they create because of random new mechanisms, to select and optimize. This is a barrier repealed, which has been interpreted as the limit for program-controlled computer. formed in a prebiotic phase of evolution, DNA codes, which by a "trail-and-error process" (biological: optimization methods) developed algorithms, which in turn selbst in der Lage sind einen eigenen, neuen und selbstreproduzierenden Algorithmus zu erzeugen. Derartige evolutionäre Algorithmen werden bereits von Programmieren geschrieben, um zum Beispiel die Bewegung eines Roboterarms zu optimieren.
Der Turing Tests hat dadurch mittlerweile beträchtlich an Bedeutung verloren, da es nicht mehr als Hauptaufgabe der KI angesehen wird menschliche Kommunikation zu simulieren, sondern für den Menschen nützliche Werkzeuge zu kreieren. (vgl. Whitby 1996: 58) Im Zuge dessen, hat sich aber eine Abwandlung des Turing Tests als äußerst nützlich erwiesen. Bei sogenannten CAPTCHAS ( Completely Automatic Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart ) is the point in a computer to distinguish a person from another computer is. Luis von Ahn developed the idea, as in the early days of free email accounts, more and more spam programs were introduced, which were fully automatically created a mail account, then turn over the materials sent to advertising. (Ruppel 2010: 66) CAPTCHAS convert characters into images in order to distort it. For a computer it is extremely difficult to decipher them again, but not by a man. Network can be crafty scammers have come up with a trick question. You want to CAPTCHAs, which blocked their own programs so far, before a free website - mostly pornography or games. Allow the user to get inside, he has to first solve this CAPTCHA, which is but basically from a different site and the malicious program then there granted access. Apart from this gatekeeper function, but now CAPTCHAs have also another very useful value. It is often associated with significant difficulties for software programs to digitize older, or documents in poor condition. CAPTCHAs which consist of photographic pieces which previously did not or could not be scanned properly, is called "reCAPTCHA". Diese Zusammenarbeit zwischen Mensch und Computer kann unter dem Oberbegriff „Human Computation“ gefasst werden.
Der Sinn ist es dabei, die Vorzüge der KI mit jenen der menschlichen Intelligenz zu verbinden. Denn was uns als Menschen oft wie selbst von der Hand geht, beispielsweise Bilder zu kategorisieren, stellt Computer zumeist vor unlösbare Probleme. Und was Computern einfach fällt, beispielsweise das Lösen mathematischer Aufgaben, ist für den Menschen oft nicht ohne erheblichem Aufwand zu leisten. Durch die Kombination von menschlicher und künstlicher Intelligenz aber, könnten zukünftig Probleme höherer Dimension bewältigt werden. Exemplarisch für diese Symbiose soll nun verkürzt das sogenannte „Gaming with a Purpose“ dargestellt werden. Hierzu zählt auch das sogenannte „ESP-Game“. Dieses ist ein Onlinespiel, durch welches Suchmaschinenanbieter ihre Bildersuche verfeinern wollen. Es wird kostenlos im Internet angeboten und jedem, der sich freiwillig bereit erklärt daran teilzunehmen, suggeriert, die Welt dadurch ein Stück besser zu machen. („You´re helping the world become a better place.“ ) Die Regeln sind leicht: Es spielen immer zwei Spieler online und in Echtzeit gegeneinander. Jeder Spieler sieht auf seinem Bildschirm ein Bild (Mod.: Ton u. Video), welches auch zugleich dem anderen Mitspieler angezeigt wird. Nun sollen beide dieses Bild mit mehreren Schlagworten versehen. Punkte gibt es immer dann, wenn je das gleiche Schlagwort gewählt wurde. Taucht dasselbe Schlagwort dann auch in anderen Partien vermehrt auf, kommt es künftig auf eine Tabuliste (gilt als gesichert) und es müssen neue Beschreibungen gefunden werden. Somit wird die Kategorisierung systematisch verfeinert.
Fast am Ende angekommen, möchte ich noch kurz die aus meiner Sicht aktuell aussichtsreichsten Forschungsrichtungen der KI anschneiden. Dies ist erstens die Verschmelzung von Mensch und Maschine in der Art eines Cyborg. Persönlich scheint mir das einleuchtend, wenn I think of the constant development has always been the treatment of human diseases, as well as the continuous optimization of the physical target man. Seemingly endless here is trying to beat the human flaws of the natural vulnerability of a trick, which is the image of the human dimensions of forced change radically. This is not least due to the speed with which technology is currently pursued is, without this responsibility can meaningfully. What once with glasses and walking is coming along so harmless, in the near future, regarding Transplantaionschirurgie and implantology, move in dimensions, which we today are not able to sense. (Ruppel 2010: 37-39) related to this, I recommend Rodney Brooks "machine men" or just google for "cyborg" or "bio".
The second dimension, which I think in terms of AI research for promising is that of "intelligent agents" as described by Marvin Minsky. Agents can be all things to him the truth and action. These can be people, as well as robots or software to be easy. Minsky's approach in this case represents the spirit of man as a machine to be able to explain, which is capable only of society qua intelligence. Minsky's agents act similarly, such as those from the Biologie bekannte „Schwarmintelligenz“, bei welcher das Einzelne recht machtlos ist, sich zusammen jedoch eine konzeptionell geschlossene und intelligente Einheit bildet. Die heutzutage alles und jeden vernetzende Verbindung des Internets, lässt diesen Gedanken darum als vielversprechend erscheinen.
Schlussendlich kann man bei der Definition dessen, was man nun als Intelligenz bezeichnen soll oder auch nicht, noch folgende zwei simple Unterscheidung mit einbeziehen. Einerseits kann man intelligent als eine Eigenschaft bezeichnen, dem gegenüber die Intelligenz als eine Fähigkeit steht. Adverbiale Intelligenz kann also Handlungen und Aktionen im einzelnen be turned on or even discussed, not just while the nominal intelligence available in a subject or. It follows that it is not all it has shown once intelligent actions, even while recognizing the intelligence in general. (Cruse, Dean, Ritter 1999: 95) is always relative intelligence seen in the context of what is generally regarded as a common and standardized way already in the sequence of procedural processing. As was shown, is only dealing with the difficult, which is not known or clearly identifiable. Usually, the object fields of robots and machines are always found in the knockout lanes, making them in this respect not nominal, but merely adverbial Intelligence can be attributed. All in all, it remains a matter of definition, to speak generally of intelligent machines or not. As long as there is no clear definition of intelligence, which is not exclusively focused primarily on people who must be an answer about the real existence of AI probably postponed even further.
04/03/2011 richard w.
source detection
- Cruse, Dean, Ritter: What is intelligence? In: Wells (Eds.): intelligence between man and machine. From the Brain Research zur künstlichen Intelligenz. Begleitbuch zum Neuen Funkkolleg „Die Zukunft des Denkens“. Münster 1999. S. 92 – 106.
- Dietz, Peter: Menschengleiche Maschinen. Wahn und Wirklichkeit der künstlichen Intelligenz. Berlin 2003.
- Gottfredson, L. S.: Mainstream science on intelligence: An editorial with 52 signatories, history, and bibliography. Intelligence. 24, S. 13-23.
- Mainzer, Klaus: In: Wolfgang Achtner u.a. (Hrsg.) Künstliche Intelligenz und Menschliche Person. N.G. Elwert Verlag Marburg. 2006.
- Ruppel, Sophia Melina: Was war Künstliche Intelligenz. Magisterarbeit. University of Lüneburg. 2010th
- Weizenbaum, Joseph: The power of computers and the impotence of reason. Frankfurt aM 1978th
- Whitby, Blay: The Turing Test. AI's Biggest Blind Alley?. In: Millican, Peter JR and Andy Clark (Eds.): Machines and Thought. Oxford 1996, p. 53 - 62
- Zimbardo, Gerrig: psychology. 16 Circulation. Pearson Education, 2004th 2.10 intelligence diagnostics S. 405 - 428th
- ESP Game: httw: / /
- as of: 03/02/2011
- Source: . jpg Stand: 08.03.2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
Add Inputs To Boombox
"If you love, without love in cause, that is, if your loving as loving does not produce anti-love, if you make a expression of life as a loving man you not to loved one , so your love is impotent, a misfortune "(Karl Marx)
love, capitalism, and Online Dates
After the German-American social psychologist, philosopher and psychoanalyst Erich Fromm (1900 - 1980) depends on the mental health of the people from uniting with other people connect to them in relationship. According to Fromm, there are "[...] only a passion that satisfies the need of man, become one with the world and simultaneously gain a sense of individuality and integrity. Love" (Fromm, E. (2004) , p. 34) The experience of love is the only answer to the question of what it means to be a human being and only guaranteed mental health. (ibid., p. 35) It is therefore not surprising that, apart from the biological aspects such as, above all, the reproduction / species preservation concern / promise, many people looking for the "right partner" or the "right partner" are. In Germany, a widely used version of the Dating online dating. "Per month, according to company singlebö (2009a), approximately 6.3 million people dating on the net claim ." (Dombrowski, J., 2011, p. 7) The search for love on the net for many people have become an important aspect. According to the survey by Emnid (Media and Social Research) in 2003, the Germans get to most often next to the job from friends and know the web. Five million German to participate in an online study of ARD and ZDF to find partners on the web. A lucrative business, because sometimes even legitimate providers charge around 50 € fee per month. (See Der Spiegel, issue 45/2010, p. 80 ff)
I asked myself the question of how the "love" in our time, the capitalist economic and social system has changed and what role Internet, or the Online dating may have it. Similar the ideal of beauty are also (love) relationship subject to changes over time. For example, marriage was the 17th and 18 Century, a religious obligation and anchoring material. The marriage was not the individual happiness, but for example, securing the succession. The marriage was a largely closed access to the individual, social connections living and working form in which men and women set up in the details of everyday life, work, business and the sex was, what to do and had to leave. The fact that not everyone has kept it is, at this point not farther. But at least this was the social norm in force. During the early modernization is diminished sense of overarching context of social forms of existence. In the separation of families and economic sphere breaks the labor market and economic union of man and woman. (See Beck, U. and Beck-Gernsheim, E. (2004), p. 21 f.) "The rapid development of our modern industrial society, the increasing employment of women, the expected further job reductions, restructuring the professions and so force the legal system to unbiased openness to new forms of life in marriage and family. " (ibid., p. 42)
Today is of the opinion that marriage is a period that ends upon the death of her husband, but by agreement of two economic-oriented contractors. (See Bolz, N. (2004), p. 239) also in other literature can find links and images that reveal the "love" as the subordination of the capitalist system. (See for example: Kemper, H. Sonnenschein, U. (2004) (ed.): The love of adventure inventory of a messy feeling, F. a. M.:.. Suhrkamp Or: Busch, H., Ebrey , A (2008) (ed.): Love in capitalism casting.: Psycho-social Publisher)
The media philosopher Norbert Bolz appears that is similar to the handling of "love" the consumer behavior in our present society. The stimulating, the most pleasurable consumption is not the satisfaction of needs, but especially in the non-satisfaction, resulting from the desire for consumption. In the so-called affluent society in which we live, come often to the feeling of boredom, so Bolz. From this sense we can only deliver the stimulation of innovation. Even purely neurological, is that boredom is the enemy of the brain. "That's why we need sports, hobbies, sex, drugs and music. And for the Sociology of Neurology is it not far. The basic dynamics of modern life is the flight from boredom " (Bolz, N. (2004), p. 234) This feeling is also reflected in interpersonal re: sexuality as a recognizable form of consumption. This is certainly the pill contributed to increasingly "sex for fun" possible machte.In the 1960s there was the belief that sexual happiness is only in marriage and not outside to find it. (See Matthiesen, S. (2008), p. 82). I think I can reap without contradiction, claim that sich diese Ansicht in der Gegenwartsgesellschaft weitestgehend aufgelöst hat. Zwar ist die Liebe eine Option, da diese aber unökonomisch und zeitraubend ist, muss sie zunehmend martktförmig kontrolliert werden. Wer „clever“ ist, schließt aus den Scheidungsstatistiken dass es ein zu hohes Risiko wäre, alle Gefühle in eine Beziehung zu investieren. (Seit den 1960er Jahren ist in der ehemaligen DDR sowie in der BRD ein Rückgang der Zahl der Eheschließungen bei gleichzeitigem Anstieg der Ehescheidungen zu erkennen. Vgl. hierzu: Büchner, P. (et al.) (1997), S. 35 f. ). Das Neue beziehungsweise „die“ oder „der Neue“ ersetzt das Wesentliche. Deshalb kann nur noch das Neue (bzw. „der“ oder „die Neue“) für Wesentlich gehalten werden. „Sein ist Erregtsein“! (Vgl. Bolz, N. (2004), S. 234 ff.) Auch wenn die Auffassung des Medienphilosophen provokant und möglicherweise einseitig dargestellt ist, so beschreibt diese doch treffend die Wirklichkeit. Das von Bolz angedeutete „Marktförmige“ lässt sich beispielsweise auch bei der Partnerwahl im Internet wiederfinden. Typisch für die Partnersuche im Internet ist das Anlegen eines standardisierten Katalogs, in dem Attribute wie Geschlecht, Alter, Kleidungsstil, Musical tastes, etc. specified. This background information should make it easier for placing the adverts to find the "right" partners and to be found. (See Döring, N. (2003): p. 10) As in a OTTO catalog you can browse the catalog people. According to Fromm, the love in our time "[...] is often nothing but a favorable exchange transaction between two people who beat it out according to their market value on the person as much as possible for themselves. Each represents a 'package' is, in the several aspects of its exchange value to a 'personality' packed together. " (Fromm, E. (2004), S. 129.) Hierunter fallen, ähnlich wie bei der Zurschaustellung in der Online-Partnerbörse, Aussehen, Bildung, Einkünfte und Erfolgsaussichten und jedermann ist bemüht, soviel wie möglich für dieses Paket einzuhandeln. Nach Fromm handelt es sich hierbei um ein Symptom der Entfremdung, die dem Gesellschaftscharakter des modernen Menschen innewohnt (Vgl. ebd, S. 130). Den Begriff der Entfremdung, den auch Karl Marx verwendete, um die durch den Kapitalismus aufgehobene bzw. zerstörte ursprünglich natürliche Beziehung zwischen Mensch und Arbeit darzulegen, fasst Fromm etwas weiter, indem er unter Entfremdung nicht nur die Beziehung des modernen Menschen understand his work. Man can also in relationship to the things he consumes, with the state and its people and to themselves be alienated. "The alienated person in contact with itself has just as lost as he has lost contact with other people." (Ibid., p. 107)
also in the relationship between husband and wife, and between man and man and woman and woman, there is again the alienation. One finds nowadays not much love or hatred in interpersonal relationships. There is rather superficial because liability, Fromm. In the Spiegel 45/2010 edition, in which it comes to online dating and partnerships to report many women that they have lost because of the many online dates, the feeling of "being in love." It seems as if alone in our society, a stigma. The search for the right partner is unending, and the dating sites on the net multiply that misery (See Der Spiegel, issue 45/2010 p. 80 f.) The psychologist and couples therapist Claudia Clasen-Holzberg, the for 20 years running her practice, has observed in the last five to ten years, in women around thirty a growing helplessness in the face of great freedom, there is many choices. Many fall into a disability, sich überhaupt noch für jemanden zu entscheiden. „Vielleicht sitzt der traumhaftere Traummann ja morgen auf dem Flug nach Frankfurt neben mir, vielleicht werde ich wunschlos glücklich mit dem IT-Manager, 83 Matchingpoints, aus Berlin, der gern ins Theater geht. […] Der ambivalente Wunsch nach Bindung und Autonomie gleichermaßen droht uns zu zerreißen.“ (Ebd.) Und das wird bei Männern ähnlich sein.
Es stellt sich somit die Frage, inwiefern die „Kontaktbörse Internet“ die Entfremdung des Menschen widerspiegelt oder diese gar protegiert.
Man darf sich now automatically search for the love and the life that one likes. The love is there like a lunch buffet, you can take out what you want. "All you can eat". A paradise of possibilities. A terror of the possibilities. We are overwhelmed. The hope is always there, that there "is a better / better" might come, "satisfaction, satisfied, does this have to do for many just give up but something with it. But when our time touted something, but that anything is possible. Why settle for less? " (ibid., p. 83)
" Is the "love" the owner's spouse has become boring? Oh, I examined with the halt or the Next / n! "It seems this would be the motto of the contemporary society. The text in this much-quoted Erich Fromm, who is above all with his work "The Art of Loving" has become known, differs from the "love" between the subject matter of "having" and "being." In the way of "being" is to love [...] a productive being active, it implies to take for someone (or something) to care to know him, on him to acknowledge him to enjoy it - it was a man, a tree, an image, an idea. It means he (she, it) bring to life, to increase his (her) alive. " (Fromm, E. (1979), p. 52) love in the form of" being "is as in Fromm a process seen having a renewed and fuels. If the "love", however, in the way of having experienced, this means according to the social psychologists, "[...] the object that you 'love' to limit to capture or control. Such love is strangling, paralyzing, suffocating, killing instead of invigorating. What is called love, is often a misuse of the word, to conceal the fact that in reality is not loved. " (Ibid.) " love" as a form of "having" can but vonstattengehen also much more subtle: In the time of advertising, such as in finding a partner on the Internet is still not one of the other security, the placing the adverts by finding each other to win. In Fromm's words, they are "lively, attractive, interesting [...]" (Ibid., p.53) None the other has already spent so everyone's energy to be, that is, stimulate and to give. (Ibid)
Over the relationship it comes to Fromm, if you are in the nature of "having" is, in addition, that nobody must be won, "because love has become something that one has, to a possession." (Ibid.) The mistake could have love , has tempted us to stop loving. possibly the existence of the form of having the passive understanding of love, creator of our despair? Author of our eternal search for "Mr. Right / the right" to administer the will but not in the form of existence of having? On the question of "whether there is a pair of exchange with which you want to," replies a single concise: "'A happy couple,' says the lawyer, 'I mean, a really happy? If I look closely, I see none. You all as much as I doubt anyone can for himself, only just (79 OF MIRRORS, (2010) S.) in a relationship. " it in a society dominated by capitalism generally an active, seinorientierte love may be referred to Erich Fromm? Or is it long since lost in the form of existence of having?
Used literature:
Beck, U./Beck-Gernsheim, E. (1994): Individualisierung in modernen Gesellschaften – Perspektiven und Kontroversen einer subjektorientierten Soziologie. In: Beck, U./Beck-Gernsheim, E. (Hrsg.): Riskante Freiheiten. Frankfurt am Main: suhrkamp.
Bolz, Norbert (2004): Das Begehren und der Konsum. In: Kemper, Peter/Sonnenschein, Ulrich (hrsg.): Das Abenteuer Liebe. Bestandsaufnahme eines unordentlichen Gefühls. Frankfurt am Main: suhrkamp
Büchner, P./Fuhs, B./Krüger, H.-H. (1997): Transformation der Eltern-Kind-Beziehungen? Facetten der Kindbezogenheit of parenting behavior in East and West Germany. In: Tenorth, H.-E.: Journal of Education. Supplement 37th Weinheim etc.: Beltz.
Dombrowski, Julia (2011): The search for love on the net. An ethnography of online dating. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag.
Döring, Nicola (2003): Internet love: The technical media coverage of intimate communication.
URL. Http:// C3% B6ring,% 20N% 20% 282 003% 29% 20 -% 20to% 20INTERNET-love ..% 20technischen 20Mediatisierung%%% 20intimer 20Kommunikation.pdf (accessed 03/07/2011).
Fromm, Erich (1979): Haben oder Sein. Die seelischen Grundlagen einer neuen Gesellschaft. Stuttgart: dtv.
Fromm, Erich (2004): Wege aus einer kranken Gesellschaft. Eine sozialpsychologische Untersuchung. 4. Aufl. München: dtv.
Matthiesen, Silja (2008): Zum sozialen Wandel von Liebesbeziehungen und Sexualität. In: Busch, Hans-Joachim/Ebrecht Angelika (hrsg.): Liebe im Kapitalismus. Gießen: Psychosozial Verlag.
Voigt, Claudia (2010): Die Paarungsfalle. DER SPIEGEL Ausgabe 45/2010.
URL: (abgerufen am 07.03.2011 ).
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Plans For A Billiard Triangle
The spread of the Internet has not only a greater connectivity between people result it also brings a change in the management of private and public with it (see blog entry "Private / Public"). users of so-called "social media" perpetuate themselves on Facebook, Flickr, MySpace, or as an avatar on online role-playing game portals and introduce yourself and your life in bright colors. But what happens when the person dies in "real life"?
The social platform "Facebook" put out until 2007 is simply all accounts of deceased users until after a killing spree asked members of the victims concerned with maintaining the pages as a keepsake. Since then, it is available on request by members to put the profiles of the deceased in a "Memorialization" status. Contact details and personal information are no longer visible, friends of the deceased can still View photo albums and leave messages on the whiteboard [1] .
even go a step further other relatives. The recent report of the TAZ "refers to the death," reports the mother of a dead girl, the daughter of a small piece of paper with all its attributes - was left behind passwords. Since then, the mother regularly logged on the account of her daughter at SchülerVZ and there is even a group of mourning in honor of her daughter joined.
grief counselor Thomas Multhaup in the article warns against such behavior: "Wenn im Netz eine Art von Scheinwirklichkeit und Scheinleben aufrechterhalten wird, tut man sich damit auf Dauer keinen Gefallen. Niemand wird digital unsterblich. [2] "
Doch wie es aussieht trifft das nicht in jedem Fall zu. Die Autorin berichtet weiter über eine junge Frau, die nach dem Tod der Schwester Lisa, den Betreiber des Netzwerks StudiVZ vergeblich bittet Lisas Account zu löschen. Trotz mehrmaligem Bitten kann sie nicht verhindern, dass 39 Tage vor Lisas Geburtstag eine „Geburtstagserinnerung“ mit Foto auf ihrer Startseite erscheint, obwohl die Schwester bereits seit zwei Jahren tot ist [3] . To avoid
To such protracted efforts and processes Surviving with the social media platforms, U.S. suppliers have been offering for some time their customers "virtual grave maintenance [4] " to . Companies like "Death Switch" or "Legacy Locker regulate digital discount and offer different services for money, such as sending information to members on production of death certificate to [5] .
In Germany there since 2009, the Berlin-based start-up company "Indivus" which deals with the management of digital estate. When the user makes a indivus with all his accounts and profiles, and notes that after his death what to do with it and who should receive the appropriate access rights. According to the indivus team is a fundamental problem of such companies is the address of the target group. Although "All Internet users also part of the audience, but people are reluctant to deal [sic] with death [6] "
indivus future will be marketed through partnerships with social networks, will want to have the appropriate forms directly from the application [7] . may seem
As strange, at first glance, to publish the Register on a side where party photos or find the love of his life wants to come to terms with death, pushing the more even the thought that such services will come in the future indivus an important function. Finally, social media is popular especially among young people, so that the amount of Accounts whose owners die at the time (thankfully) should still be quite low. What happens, however, with the incredible flood of data when in 40 to 60 years, more and more accounts will be abandoned due to age? I for one find the idea comforting to be able to take care of themselves prior to the whereabouts of my data, as the thought someone could after my death under my name, comment photos on Facebook. But perhaps enough for me posthumous backup then a real envelope, including a list of my accounts and passwords ...
[1] See Hortobagyi, Monica (2007): Slain students' pages to stay on Facebook. USA TODAY. Available online at, checked on 06.03.2011.
[2] Black Maier, Nicola (2011): Online after death. In: TAZ, 26.2.2011. Available online at, checked on 03.06.2011.
[3] Ibid
[4] Swan, Ben (2009): Passwords from the beyond. In: TAZ, 21.08.2009. Available online at, checked on 06.03.2011.
[6] Riechers, Kersten A. (2009): Facebook's Form faded. Online identities after death. start-up scene. The magazine for entrepreneurs. Available online at, checked on 06.03.2011.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Windows Blinds Activasyon
Hey friends:)
Have you already decorated your blog for spring?
No? : D Then you have time until Monday to start today's blog contest:)
your blog address then let her here as a comment:) Best
Blögge be published on the homepage and Chobots also receive rewards:)
Good luck \u0026lt;3
Monday, February 28, 2011
Romantic Weekend Getaway In Bay Area Ca
Sentence and Zeilenpalindrome sent arranged and implemented as a video toll seem to lie in the trend. Among them are here at the next door Trauerfreuart to verification items "lost generation " and "The future of publishing . Such Palindromvideos it is common that they arrange sentences and half-sentences in such a clever way that forward and backward read line by line, completely different, generally give conflicting statements. Readers Cla Coray has now recommended to me yet another example of such reversible line art: "Truth in Argentina". It hardly needs further explanation, because the video speaks for itself really:
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
How Much Are Mechadoll
Völlig überraschend bekam ich letztens eine Nachricht, dass ich den Monika von Boch-Preis bekommen hätte. Ich hatte mich dafür weder beworben, noch war mir der Preis bekannt.
Der Monika von Boch-Preis für Fotografie wird seit 2003 alle zwei Jahre vom Museum Schloss Fellenberg in Merzig an künstlerisch arbeitende Fotografen verliehen, um an das künstlerische Wirken der herausragenden Mettlacher Fotografin Monika von Boch zu erinnern. Monika von Boch gilt im Saarland als die bedeutendste Fotografen-Persönlichkeit. Werke von ihr befinden sich z. B. in der Sammlung des Museums of Modern-Art in New York und im Kestner Museum in Hannover. Mit diesem Preis wird aber auch an die internationale Bewegung innerhalb der Fotografie recalls, which started in the fifties of Saarbrücken and the head of the photography class at the School of Arts and Crafts Otto Steinert.
The award ceremony and exhibition opening of the final award winner, Sven Erik Klein was at 21.02. Castle Fellenberg. 2013 will take place there my own exhibition.
from the jury's verdict, why should I get the prize: Calin Kruse is a graphic designer and photographer. While still a design student, he has "dienacht" In 2007 the magazine as publisher, editor, designer and distributor on track. "Serving eight" is a magazine for photography, design and subculture, the the "one-man operation" appears twice a year, now in its 8th Edition. It provides photographers and culture lovers an exciting forum. All this goes to the Kruse busy but not because he is active as a curator. So it is no surprise that in his resume, the term "artist" appears more often than usual.
This diversity is also reflected in his photography, in his own artistic work in the choice of subjects and the technique. Kruse analogous work with both the black and white and color photography. Calin Kruse interested in people. Be it in the staged or in portrait photography, central seiner fotografischen Arbeit steht der Mensch. In seiner Dokumentarfotografie wird zudem seine Erzählfreude deutlich. Ruhig hält er Situationen, Gegebenheiten in seinen Bildern fest von denen eine eigentümliche Stimmung ausgeht. Es ist seine Erlebnisweise aber auch seine fotografische Sehweise, die an die Mettlacher Fotografin Monika von Boch erinnert.
Liquidation Cow Palace
Grenzwertig , eine Zeitschrift für Migration und Menschenrechte, erscheint in unregelmässigen Abständen; dafür steht ein sehr begrenztes Budget zur Verfügung, die Auflage von 350 Stück wird vom Multikulturellen Zentrum Trier selbst ausgedruckt – einfarbig, schwarz – und gebunden.
Die Herausforderung bestand darin, das Magazin trotz starken Budgeteinschränkungen spannend zu gestalten; dafür sind unter anderem Farbpapiere zum Einsatz gekommen, sowohl für die Außenklappen in einer kräftigen Farbe, als auch für den Kulturteil in der dazugehörigen hellen Farbe (hier: blau und hellblau), die sich von Ausgabe zu Ausgabe unterscheiden soll.