Monday, August 30, 2010

Swollen Throat Glands When Pregnant

Knister: the journey to repentance world

Knister, Wahed Khakdan: the journey to repentance world
Thienemann Verlag, 1997, 62 pages ISBN 978-3522171625

Category: Buchstabenpalindrome
type: body text in normal language with occasional palindromes
recommendation : To adapt to the Palindrommaterie for children
rating :
review : What is missing in the many, many books about and with palindromes likely to notice a few. But besides all the textbooks, the Megapalindromen and extensive Palindromsammlungen seems an interesting area to be totally neglected: Texts in normal language, where palindromes occur at key points in order to continue the plot. Apparently had in mind this is also the children's book author Knister, who created the "Journey to Umkerwelt" a sci-fi adventure in the endless expanses of Palindromuniversums. Insofar, include this children's book a long yawning gap can be. Still disappointed about the history of the two children and Per Diana, taken by the interstellar battle chicken Witt Bolte, to fight against the evil DioxoiD on his dangerous reversal Planet "palindrome" across the board. The The reason is simple: too superficial, the story told to little sweeping the descriptions, just to the story. Even the writing style is fürKinderbücher here is very bad and awkward. Is it therefore can tie up the book at any time. The palindromes, the rating of the book would still significantly improve disappoint in quantity and quality. The following is a list of all palindromes appearing in the book with explanation:
  • DioxoiD: Evil Antagonist, on the one learns little disappointing.
  • Natan be
  • mount
  • Nonon: DioxoiDs "reverse jet", also passes there is little information.
  • "A life that never fog!" Diana's exclamation in the liberation of people.

More palindromes were in fact not represent the complete text. The description of the reverse planetary "palindrome" leaves much to be desired. The only positive memories remain the great illustrations Wahed Khakdan. And hope that you can inspire with the book, at least for younger children palindromes. But I doubt it.

How To Know That A Ringworm Infection Is Healing

zero-sum phenomenon?

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe content closed palindromic piece of literature is hardly any Pabuautoren from the head. But as mirror in front of some artist Martin Mooz Zeit in seinem Blog in anderem Zusammenhang bemerkte , scheint es bei Palindromen eine Art "Nullsummenphänomen" zu geben: Je sinniger die eine Hälfte eines Palindroms gelingt, desto nichtssagender wirkt die Spiegelverkehrung. Ein besonders beeindruckendes Palindrom-Paar soll hier zur Illustration dienen und gleichzeitig veranschaulichen, wie schwierig es ist, geschlossene palindrome Literatur zu erzeugen.

Fangen wir also mit der ersten Hälfte an:

"I-Ah", sagte der Esel.

Ein schöner Satz. Inhaltlich sinnvoll, das sagt der Erfahrungswert. Er wirkt auch wenig gequält, wie das bei Palindromen manchmal so ist. Wollte man ihn in Literatur einbinden, würde sich vielleicht offer a fable. But the sentence is just too palindrome. Let's look at the reverse: "Reading"

speaks gas-Hai.

is semantically, orthographically and grammatically this sentence against objections. Even the mythical character could be enhanced by the recurrence of an animal actor, a kind of dialogue would be well suited for a literary experiment. But how much does make sense but this line compared to their better half!
content, too, there are some problems: What has your an ass to do with a gas-Hai? What the heck is a gas-Hai at all?

But this short demonstration shows, I think, how hard the closed content Palindromtext be achieved. And, although the first half was so versatile and flexible ...

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Gay Hot Spots Indiana

complete loss - forward and backward!

have apparently allows the makers of the TV series "Lost," a particularly fine gag come by playing a scene from the pilot back as the end of the series have used - or something like that. Further information's here.

Chinese Bangs For Round Faces

family tree of the anagrams

"Palindromes are anagrams for beginners!" This small, humorous saying has a point, but considering that, in view of the immense design possibilities of the anagrams a lot easier to set only the mirror image. But
anagrams have more facets. Over the centuries, many literary disciplines have emerged, which specify the design rules of anagrams, or even more stringent. Would it not even appropriate to sum it all schematic, I was thinking, maybe even a blog about palindromes? After all, you should be informed about the relationship so always good, right?

Well, here it is, the "family tree of anagrams"

  • anagram : general shift in meaning by permutation of the letters: Gram on / on - anagram

    • palindrome / Ananym : The subject of this blog. For palindromes shifts the sense (or stays the same) by the reverse read. Examples:
life - Fog
, Pur is almost juice syrup.
murder, Nile ... Apollo? Palindrome!

    • charade / homograph : exchange in this particular case, not the letters, but the spaces and punctuation marks the places.
Beispiel: „O Magen & Darm“ wird zu „Oma-Gendarm“

    • Schüttelreime : Gedichte, bei denen sich durch Konsonantenvertauschung der letzten Wörter der Sinn ändert. (Wobei man dabei darauf hinweisen muss, dass nicht der Schüttelreim als ganzes, sondern lediglich jeweils die letzten Wörter einer Zeile Anagramme der jeweils anderen sind.) Der Klassiker:

                    Es klapperten die Klapperschlangen
                    bis ihre Klappern schlapper klangen.

                    oder selbsterklärend, wenn auch nicht ganz lupenrein:

                    Rüttelst you get the Rüttelschleim,
you have spoonerism!

    • Pangram : In a way, an anagram of the alphabet, at least as long as it is to be a genuine Pangram.
;! "Fix, Schwyz, Jürgen squawks stupid from the pass.

If someone other Special cases of anagrams, knows he is to me, please write , I'll add it.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Heptits B Curable In India


early 2006, Martin Mooz palindromgünstige a combination of the two "sons of Mannheim's" albums "Zion" and "Noize" out. It has been speculated, as well the next album would be, to perform a magic Palindromquadrats which would then either Onzie "," izno "," Belgian State "or" ozni "hot. Then when it came out last year, it was obviously overlooked by all Palindrombloggern, so now the shocking news: the "sons of man's home" have moved on Anagrammieren's! And even if "Iz on "out loud picturesque view is the better option might palindromic has disappointed me this band deeply;)

Informal Wedding Invitation Quotes

# 001: Furie, Zil ... o Police call 110

was already in 2005 shot a whole and very remarkable TV movie: A Police 110 consecutive . entitled "Forward and backward" to cleverly orchestrated content is merely said that palindromes play a crucial role, and further information may be seen from the below links, because I have not even seen the movie
more information.

PS: You have information about when the film will run the next time in the German TV? Write me to share the information with the whole Palindromgemeinde.

PPS: The title of this article may be quite strange: The Zil "is a Turkish percussion instrument. It had to serve as a stopgap, because my "fury", looked so very good;)

What To Wear To Hard Rock Cafe

Downtown Safari II

you stroll average by a German pedestrian zone, a notice in addition to many chain stores and fast food restaurants certainly the many telephone companies, there are established. But in addition small palindromic potential "Vodafone" or "Freenet" seems no cell phone provider really reversible products to carry in his range. Or?
offers the UK network operator O2 for some time "to a deal, which will soon reduce the Palindromwert considerably, I can not attention to its extraordinary quality;). Yet here is to be advised of this contract, as a rare example in the otherwise so little shimmering mirror mobile phone industry

Toy Story Woody Birthday Supplie

Downtown Safari I

Ironically, Burger King, whose campaigns seemed to me at least always been in bad taste (actually deadly für jeden Anbieter kulinarischer Services), hat seinen vergangenen Marketingfeldzug mit einem interessanten und von einem Umlautproblem abgesehen einwandfreiem Wortpalindrom ausgestattet. Dies kam in den Fernsehwerbespots jedoch nicht besonders gut herüber, in der gedruckten Kurzform, die mir vor kurzem in einer Innenstadt in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ins Auge fiel dafür umso mehr: