Monday, August 30, 2010

Swollen Throat Glands When Pregnant

Knister: the journey to repentance world

Knister, Wahed Khakdan: the journey to repentance world
Thienemann Verlag, 1997, 62 pages ISBN 978-3522171625

Category: Buchstabenpalindrome
type: body text in normal language with occasional palindromes
recommendation : To adapt to the Palindrommaterie for children
rating :
review : What is missing in the many, many books about and with palindromes likely to notice a few. But besides all the textbooks, the Megapalindromen and extensive Palindromsammlungen seems an interesting area to be totally neglected: Texts in normal language, where palindromes occur at key points in order to continue the plot. Apparently had in mind this is also the children's book author Knister, who created the "Journey to Umkerwelt" a sci-fi adventure in the endless expanses of Palindromuniversums. Insofar, include this children's book a long yawning gap can be. Still disappointed about the history of the two children and Per Diana, taken by the interstellar battle chicken Witt Bolte, to fight against the evil DioxoiD on his dangerous reversal Planet "palindrome" across the board. The The reason is simple: too superficial, the story told to little sweeping the descriptions, just to the story. Even the writing style is fürKinderbücher here is very bad and awkward. Is it therefore can tie up the book at any time. The palindromes, the rating of the book would still significantly improve disappoint in quantity and quality. The following is a list of all palindromes appearing in the book with explanation:
  • DioxoiD: Evil Antagonist, on the one learns little disappointing.
  • Natan be
  • mount
  • Nonon: DioxoiDs "reverse jet", also passes there is little information.
  • "A life that never fog!" Diana's exclamation in the liberation of people.

More palindromes were in fact not represent the complete text. The description of the reverse planetary "palindrome" leaves much to be desired. The only positive memories remain the great illustrations Wahed Khakdan. And hope that you can inspire with the book, at least for younger children palindromes. But I doubt it.


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