Thursday, August 26, 2010

Chinese Bangs For Round Faces

family tree of the anagrams

"Palindromes are anagrams for beginners!" This small, humorous saying has a point, but considering that, in view of the immense design possibilities of the anagrams a lot easier to set only the mirror image. But
anagrams have more facets. Over the centuries, many literary disciplines have emerged, which specify the design rules of anagrams, or even more stringent. Would it not even appropriate to sum it all schematic, I was thinking, maybe even a blog about palindromes? After all, you should be informed about the relationship so always good, right?

Well, here it is, the "family tree of anagrams"

  • anagram : general shift in meaning by permutation of the letters: Gram on / on - anagram

    • palindrome / Ananym : The subject of this blog. For palindromes shifts the sense (or stays the same) by the reverse read. Examples:
life - Fog
, Pur is almost juice syrup.
murder, Nile ... Apollo? Palindrome!

    • charade / homograph : exchange in this particular case, not the letters, but the spaces and punctuation marks the places.
Beispiel: „O Magen & Darm“ wird zu „Oma-Gendarm“

    • Schüttelreime : Gedichte, bei denen sich durch Konsonantenvertauschung der letzten Wörter der Sinn ändert. (Wobei man dabei darauf hinweisen muss, dass nicht der Schüttelreim als ganzes, sondern lediglich jeweils die letzten Wörter einer Zeile Anagramme der jeweils anderen sind.) Der Klassiker:

                    Es klapperten die Klapperschlangen
                    bis ihre Klappern schlapper klangen.

                    oder selbsterklärend, wenn auch nicht ganz lupenrein:

                    Rüttelst you get the Rüttelschleim,
you have spoonerism!

    • Pangram : In a way, an anagram of the alphabet, at least as long as it is to be a genuine Pangram.
;! "Fix, Schwyz, Jürgen squawks stupid from the pass.

If someone other Special cases of anagrams, knows he is to me, please write , I'll add it.


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