Mubarak, Palindromfan?
As noted last February Palindromfreunde may also celebrate a holiday 2011: A day with palindromic date. While viewing the events of last year not just roll over either privately or publicly, is this year, on> 02/11/2011 Sun \u0026lt;lot going on in the world! Hosni Mubarak, for 3 decades of autocratic rulers of Egypt, has resigned! As a politically adept Palindromfan clearly raises the question whether the most since the beginning of the unrest 25th January expected reaction of Mubarak related in some way with the reversible date. Finally, the people have their dictator long enough to "mirror" held up (;.. Or Mubarak is simply a Palindromfan, and wanted to wait for the right moment for his resignation or is all just a huge, but welcome coincidence that as it may, the resignation of the Egyptian dictator puts me in fantastic mood and gives in this way for the first time a palindrome historical status. In fact, there is such a thrilling and all overlying event that short I mean also quite "big" Planning for this year Palindromtag overboard threw me and lift up for next year
In this sense. Happy Palindrome Day (:
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