Friday, February 18, 2011

New Atomic Single Seater Dune Buggies

The inflationary Information

Lieber Leser (1), in diesem Blogeintrag wird es sich um Information drehen. „Aha“, könntest du mir jetzt antworten und weiter die Seite runterscrollen, ohne weiterzulesen, wie du es have done so far with all other entries as well. Because you find yourself on the Internet and will close geballert from all sides (a fashion, slang word, reminiscent of a war-like state) of information. Whether it was the flashing banner on the right hand side (which there are at least not on this blog), which open in the background, Facebook, the flashing message announcing new e-mail, or running on YouTube Music. Details of the information you're bombarded with on which you consume and keep you from staying here and read this or the next text (not to fly over). But, I ask you, dear reader, what are these for Information? And at the same time would establish a thesis: you're lying under an inflationary (another fancy buzzword) use of the word information. It sounds as if it is theoretical now, and yes, it is.

Literally translated from the Latin is inflation "swelling". Inflation is now a technical term from the industry, more specifically, political economy, which is why it is of course to the swelling of money in the money supply, respectively. The term is also always thought along that the volume of goods is stagnating or at least not to the same extent as the money supply increases. This changes the ratio between the intermediate medium of exchange imaginary money and the quantity of goods, which means a loss in value of money. This relationship can be transferred to other phenomena, for which the word has come up "inflationary", which can be used as defined as an attribute for something that is associated with the characteristics of inflation. For the inflationary

information would be a dramatic increase in the level of use of the word, accompanied by a mean loss of senses.

The word information has its origins in the Latin informare, which means something like "create, shape, form". In forming its figurative meaning (through education, inform empower ") gets the word in the late Middle High German. During the 15th and 16 Century is changing the meaning further "provide information" towards the powers and "Notify". In an echo remains to tutors, receive fine. Thus, the tutor is still up to the 19th century known as "informer". At the end of the 19th century the term used mainly by newspapers, the "information" with their news and messages. In the first half of the 20th century, the concept of information is then taken up by different sciences and eingebau in a variety of theories, where he undergoes a major change. Nämlich durch die Annexion des Begriffes in die Informationstheorie. Die Informationstheorie stammt aus der Mathematik, ist dem Bereich der Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und der Statistik zuzuordnen und gilt als Wegbereiter von Theorien zur Datenübertragung. Die Information wird hier plötzlich zu einem technischen Begriff.

Fragt man nach, ab wann eine Information eine Information ist, was sowohl in der Erkenntnistheorie als auch in der Informationstheorie geschieht, wird einem bewusst, was für ein fundamentales, neuzeitliches Problem hier auftaucht: Für einen Empfänger sind Daten dann eine Information, wenn er sie entschlüsseln kann. Für einen Erkenntnistheoretiker respektive einen Philosophen, ist der Empfänger But a person for the information theorist, the receiver can also be a machine. In humans, however, the decryption of data, the question of what it receives as information, much more complex than a machine. For a machine is a zero or a one has any information. For a machine to an information one hundred percent reproducible.

In the second half of the 20th Century, increases the use of the word frequency information strongly and the two different categories of information falling into place completely. Because of modern technology receives the neurobiology an unexpected boost. You can watch the brain suddenly in his work. The result the idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding a machine brain because the brain does not seem to differ much from a computer: the neurons give it further on the chemical and then converted into electronic pulses only, please. This euphoric notions of an early artificial intelligence disappear relatively quickly, but the ideas of a technical operation of the people remain, while trust in a centuries-long research, philosophy, namely, vanishes on the information recording and transfer of man (epistemology) .

To give an example: Recently, an article appeared in the Süddeutsche Zeitung (on page 11:02:11 18 to have created links to the online version see below) about the study by a research team that believes a review of the information growth in the last 25 years. But even if it is addressed on the edge of one of the researchers, that information is something that "what matters in a person," the article represents a purely technical notion of information. It establishes a comparison between a lot of books with 13 volumes each other and covered the entire area of China is to reflect the 2007 existing digital data set. But what kind of information that are as compared to each other? Put in such a lot of books the same information as on the pooled Hard disk drives that are not only e-books and music, movies, photos and other texts are included? A binary code is easy to compare with another, it can be copied exactly and it can be precisely defined as a unit. If you want to define, however, which is an information for a person align themselves with very different questions. For example: How will we store information? What is forgotten in this context? And what do we do with the information? As we come to knowledge and insight with the information? All these questions seem hidden in the mentioned article and indeed in our "information age". All letters on this page is of eight binary codes of one byte. Each letter consists of eight for the computer information. Once you call the page is stored, that once all information has been disclosed. But if the page is received, if someone (a man) wins from their information, is another matter. With such a long text, for example, already unlikely that anyone will read this page completely, much less win than longer-term information from them.

you, dear reader, could naturally provide a small counter-argument, if you've persevered this far. Therefore, I would like not withhold what I reproach you with my initial thesis will. Ich habe gezeigt, dass sich das Verständnis von einer Information gewandelt hat. Der Begriff wird von vielen Wissenschaften genutzt, die aber unterschiedliche Ansprüche an ihn stellen, weshalb er an Kontur verliert. Einher geht das mit einer extrem gestiegenen Nutzungsfrequenz. In den letzten vier Jahren tauchten die Wörter Information, Informationen und informieren rund 50.000 in der Print-Ausgabe der Zeit in den unterschiedlichsten Kontexten auf. Um nun aber das Attribut inflationär auf die Information anwenden zu können, bleibt zu fragen: Bedeutet der Konturverlust des Informationsbegriffes denn auch einen Werteverlust? Oder auch: Was steht der gestiegenen Menge der Verwendung des Begriffes Information an Wert gegenüber?

Money is the intermediate medium of exchange for goods. If one tries to define as part of a settlement to the information as an intermediate medium of exchange, so were their partners the knowledge . The information is decrypted consist of sensations, these can be sorted and assigned, networked, and thus transform into knowledge. This is out at least for the people of an epistemological argument.

Well, "the knowledge of mankind" in recent years has also increased explosively, which is not to confuse but with the knowledge of a person. We do observed already by Georg Simmel division of labor driven into extremely varied, so the Gesamtwissen, auf welches theoretisch zurückgegriffen werden kann, steigt, das Wissen insbesondere das Allgemeinwissen des Einzelnen aber abnimmt. Wir nehmen zwar mehr Informationen, also Sinneswahrnehmungen die wir entschlüsseln können wie Texte und Bilder in Form von Werbeplakaten, Fernsehern, Zeitungen, Büchern etc., denn je in einer modernen Mediengesellschaft auf, die wenigsten davon entsprechen allerdings Informationen, die einen längerfristigen Wert haben und somit als Allgemeinwissen betrachtet werden können. Es scheint so, dass wir tatsächlich mit Informationen zugeballert werden; mit Werbung beispielsweise die bewusst versucht, unsere Aufmerksamkeit zu wecken, und uns Informationen zu übermitteln. Deshalb müssen We Make necessarily more information, many of which are useless or have only a very short useful, before we reach a longer-term knowledge.

So, dear reader, at this stage, you are the inflationary information.

(1) To all gendering officer of the world: with the masculine form of address used in this article the readers are of course also meant the readers.

link to the article in the Süddeutsche Zeitung:


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