Thursday, February 3, 2011


Blogoshäre The term means all the weblogs and weblogs and their networking with each other thinks. Whether in addition to traditional platforms like blogs and MySpace and Twitter as part of the Blogoshäre are to be considered is debatable.
Blogozönosen the Designation of sub-groupings of Blogoshäre. They form the basis of common values \u200b\u200band close linkage of the respective actors.

which each of his thoughts, his art, or may make his opinion by writing a blog accessible to millions, is a revolt Information dar. It does not require more of a publisher to reach the general public. By weblog publishing systems such as BlogSpot , WordPress or Drupal the blogger does not even require more knowledge of HTML and publishing is very easy. In order to operate

a successful blog, have many aspects to be considered. Of course, the posted reviews of social interest to be written and appealing - only as a reader again visited the blog and subscribed to it at best even.

But how does the initial contact have a blog? You may have an acquaintance or friend of the blog, or for a specific item within this, by the send a link or in person Discussion, a recommendation issued.
Another option is to gain readers about Google, the search engine does nothing other than the reader to recommend Web content that matches their query. within the blog's contribution has been posted, the search query corresponds to the reader, it will be ranked according to google. However, it is crucial for winning readers to be shown here on the first page of Google recommendations, because the average user only uses the search results this page. So how do you manage to be at Google ranked as far forward?

Google calculated für die eingehende Suchanfrage das passendste Ergebnis mit Hilfe eines Algorithmuses. Welche Faktoren in diesem Algorithmus berücksichtigt werden, ist nicht ins kleinste Detail bekannt, zudem werden diese fortlaufend überarbeitet. Dennoch ist dieser Algorithmus manipulierbar.
Aufgrund der Möglichkeit auf dieses Google ranking Einfluss zu nehmen, entwickelte sich eine Branche, deren Ziel es ist, auf Basis der Manipulierbarkeit des Algorithmuses die Platzierung bestimmter Internetseiten zu bestimmten Suchanfragen gezielt zu verbessern. Dies nennt man Suchmaschinenoptimierung. Dieser Bereich umfasst On-Page Optimierung (technische Optimierung auf der eigenen Seite) und Off-Page Optimierung (Steigerung der Linkpopularität).
The on-page optimization focuses primarily on the readability of the page by the crawler and the optimal use of the main keywords. The off-page optimization, however, has the goal to embarrass as many references (links) in the light of the keywords on my website.

Linking of blogs themselves, has therefore today not only a personal recommendation character as the origin, but also as an optimization measure for their own blog to see. As part of the professionalization of the search engines try to place many well-known websites blog in the blogosphere to take advantage of their link strength and networking.


Fischer, Mario (2009): Boosting Website 2.0. Search Engine Optimization, Usability, Online Marketing. Heidelberg, Munich, Landsberg, Frechen, Hamburg: mitp

Erlhof, Sebastian (2007): search engine optimization for web developers. Bonn: Galileo Computering


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