hackers are highly intelligent geeks ~ hackers have access ~ Hackers are invisible ~ hackers bypass security mechanisms ~ Hacker cause a stir ~ Hackers are intellectual challenges ~ Hacker request free information ~ Hackers disrupt the system ~ Hacker meet at the Chaos Computer Club ~ Hacker wanted to create in the 60s, artificial intelligence ~ Hacker, data traveler ~ Hackers want to understand the world ~ Hacker decentralize are not script kiddies ~ Hacker ~ Hacker fight for freedom ~ Hacker developed the Internet ~ Hackers are burglars discover ~ Hacker and document ~ hackers creative ~ ~ hacker hackers are enthusiastic about technology had the idea to have the personal computer ~ hacker debunk ~ Hacker 1840 the telephone system manipulates ~ hackers develop software ~ hackers are undesirable ~ hackers are good programmers ~ hackers are academics ~ Hackers are politically ~ hackers are irresponsible ~ Hackers are disturbing imaginative and innovative, ~ Hacker ~ networking hackers are part of the system
Using the above representations can be initially concluded that hackers are technology-minded people, know how to use the technology against its original intended use for themselves. The English verb "to hack " will "chop" with, "hew" or "take apart" is also translated. This should be understood originally people, technical equipment or software on their function and examine their potential uses, which does not lead inevitably to their uselessness. Proven, there are various reasons for the hacking of technologies which can be transferred to four different types:
Cracker are people that bypass the security mechanism of programs or files to make these yourself, or use other free to make available. This also includes the theft of non-public documents provided. Crashers turn have the goal is to crack computer systems and destroy. The script kiddies are free riders who are already using known security holes to the fun and excitement in illegals break into systems. The Hacker turn to understand technology, processes and system weaknesses. Good hackers document their knowledge and make it manufacturers or administrators of programs and computer networks. Despite these differences
with the word hacker is generally associated with a picture of a man who creeps into computer systems, stealing data, programs or manipulated expiration interfere.
hackers are only in the context of negative effects perceived technical, political or economic fundamentals as a problem. There are a variety of motivations for hacking, ranging from the fun at the technical challenge of thrills, the free use of programs to ideological backgrounds. As a common feature of these different types, the demand for unrestricted access can find all the network resources. The demands for free information and access to all networks available for example at the top of the hacker ethic of Chaos Computer Club . The rules in the 80 clubs based in Berlin, founded in turn on the book " Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution“ des amerikanischen Redakteur und Schriftstellers Steven Levy von 1984. Dabei handelt es sich um die dokumentierten Eindrücke aus der frühen amerikanischen Hacker-Szene MIT . Dass das Internet sich gesetzlich als unabhängiger Raum frei entwickeln soll, wurde auch 1996 von dem amerikanischen Sänger der Band Greateful Dead , John Perry Barlow , in seiner „Unabhängigkeitserklärung des Cyberspace“ gefordert. Vor diesem Hintergrund haben sich Plattformen wie Cryptom oder Wikileaks gebildet, die sich um die Veröffentlichung aller der Öffentlichkeit vorenthaltenden geheimen staatlichen Dokumente . Try
Sociologist Roland Girtler compares Hacker in his essay "The edge of the hacker culture - rebels, spies and thieves," with the pirates of the seas. The rebellious actions of the hackers targeted according Girtler , even if they can affect all network users, primarily against the authorities and legislators. Furthermore, hackers have, according Girtler a similarity to Robin Hood as they rob the rich and distribute it among the poor. From this perspective, understand the initiators of the Chaos Computer Club , that hacker ethics an honor-code equivalent.
Using the above representations can be initially concluded that hackers are technology-minded people, know how to use the technology against its original intended use for themselves. The English verb "to hack " will "chop" with, "hew" or "take apart" is also translated. This should be understood originally people, technical equipment or software on their function and examine their potential uses, which does not lead inevitably to their uselessness. Proven, there are various reasons for the hacking of technologies which can be transferred to four different types:
Cracker are people that bypass the security mechanism of programs or files to make these yourself, or use other free to make available. This also includes the theft of non-public documents provided. Crashers turn have the goal is to crack computer systems and destroy. The script kiddies are free riders who are already using known security holes to the fun and excitement in illegals break into systems. The Hacker turn to understand technology, processes and system weaknesses. Good hackers document their knowledge and make it manufacturers or administrators of programs and computer networks. Despite these differences
with the word hacker is generally associated with a picture of a man who creeps into computer systems, stealing data, programs or manipulated expiration interfere.
hackers are only in the context of negative effects perceived technical, political or economic fundamentals as a problem. There are a variety of motivations for hacking, ranging from the fun at the technical challenge of thrills, the free use of programs to ideological backgrounds. As a common feature of these different types, the demand for unrestricted access can find all the network resources. The demands for free information and access to all networks available for example at the top of the hacker ethic of Chaos Computer Club . The rules in the 80 clubs based in Berlin, founded in turn on the book " Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution“ des amerikanischen Redakteur und Schriftstellers Steven Levy von 1984. Dabei handelt es sich um die dokumentierten Eindrücke aus der frühen amerikanischen Hacker-Szene MIT . Dass das Internet sich gesetzlich als unabhängiger Raum frei entwickeln soll, wurde auch 1996 von dem amerikanischen Sänger der Band Greateful Dead , John Perry Barlow , in seiner „Unabhängigkeitserklärung des Cyberspace“ gefordert. Vor diesem Hintergrund haben sich Plattformen wie Cryptom oder Wikileaks gebildet, die sich um die Veröffentlichung aller der Öffentlichkeit vorenthaltenden geheimen staatlichen Dokumente . Try
Sociologist Roland Girtler compares Hacker in his essay "The edge of the hacker culture - rebels, spies and thieves," with the pirates of the seas. The rebellious actions of the hackers targeted according Girtler , even if they can affect all network users, primarily against the authorities and legislators. Furthermore, hackers have, according Girtler a similarity to Robin Hood as they rob the rich and distribute it among the poor. From this perspective, understand the initiators of the Chaos Computer Club , that hacker ethics an honor-code equivalent.
The French author team Tiqqun speaks in the book "Cybernetics and revolt" about the hacker culture from the "practice of disturbance" and the "practice of procurement. The attacks on computer networks on the part of the hacker scene can be loud Tiqqun as a fight against the cybernetic capitalism and interpret the threat of appropriation of the Internet. His comments imply a comparison with the sabotage, named after the leader Ludd Luddite riots early 19th century. Just as the hackers initiate the collapse of the entire Internet verfolgten die Ludditen das Ziel der endgültigen Zerstörung der Maschinen. Laut Tiqqun ging es vielmehr darum die eigenen Arbeitsplätze durch die bewusste Verlangsamung von Produktion- und Transportprozessen dem Beschleunigungsprinzip des kapitalistischen Systems entgegenzuwirken.
Beide Ausführungen lassen auch die Möglichkeit rein politische Motivationen bei Teilen der Hacker-Szene zu. Der Kampf der Hacker richtet sich somit jedoch nicht gegen das System (die Computervernetzung) an sich, sondern gegen die Übertragung politischer und gesellschaftlicher Zustände der realen auf die digitale Welt. In der Entstehungsphase des Internet gab es Gegner, die sich gegen die grundsätzliche Entstehung its used. For example, the American mathematician Ted Kaczinski (known as Unabomba ) for several bomb attacks, which he allegedly committed 1975-1995 to managers of airlines and scientists sued. With his attacks and the Unabomber manifesto accompanied he tried, among other things, the increasing integration of humanity reside.
recognize these attitudes, contrary hacking the Internet as their own space and can be regarded as the amateur hobbyist, dropouts, misfits, dealers, burglars or underground fighters (...) an existing parallel digital world.
Damm Beck, Lutz: The Network - The construction of the Unabomber. Edition Nautilus, Hamburg 2005
Girtler, Roland: The edge of the hacker culture - pirates on the sea of the Internet. Paper presented at the 10th Austrian online information gathering. Salzburg 2003
Levy, Steven: Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution. Penguin Books, New York 1984
Tiqqun: Cybernetics and revolt. Diaphanes. Zurich-Berlin 2007
Film "Das Netz":
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2987597553010783230 #
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2987597553010783230 #
Chaos Computer Club:
Unabhängigkeitserklärung des Cyberspace:
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