Is it on Wikipedia the search term "Contact", it says, the term stands for the following: First of all, the "physical contact" listed. Besides the "electrical contact" nor terms such as "interface", "catalyst" or physical "contact mechanics" are listed.
When I read the term "contact" in the list of possible headings, I have the word itself but now associated with a "social contact".
So, I am interested, what Wikipedia says to the search term "social contact". - Nothing. Only a reference to the term "social interaction", but that is the case already in more detail:
"Social interaction refers to the mutual inter-related actions of actors, that is what is happening between people who react to each other, influence each other and control."
Because I was not so sure / bin, whether the term "social contact" even exists, and the dictionary it to me, unfortunately, could not spit it out, I did it again with the term "social contact" tried. Then gives me google or Wikipedia only "social isolation" to.
"The term describes the social isolation, social work, the lives of people who talk in much below-average level of society, social interactions with other people. Depending on how far is below the average level of contacts that would apply within the demographic group of reference of a person as usual, social isolation can have a significant mental illness value ".
the purposes of our seminar topic cyberspace and reality so I am working with the "socializing of the Internet". Almost every one of us has become one of the mass social networking party. Although we, or many of us have any clue how many may have disadvantages such account, we will be, partly conscious, partly unconscious, into account. And why? Personally, I think and I believe that I represent the attitude of many young people, that it is an ingenious way to keep up with many "friends" contact. Clearly existed before correspondence, then the phone, and then mail. But I could before I've joined a social network, never write with my best friend in America live while I look at the photos of a day trip of a friend in Australia, to ask questions, and also happen to be planning my own evening, where I watch so, what with friends who are geographically closer, pending an extent.
Moreover, it seems to me at least, I've since contact with a lot more people. Friends who I met during my year abroad, people I've met while traveling, and and and.
people who criticize such social networks mentioned often that the "friendships" concluded documentary, not to compare with traditional friendships and created the concept of "pseudo-friends." Of course, the friendship with a network like Facebook with someone you met briefly has, in principle, viewed objectively, the same as a friendship with a longtime, loyal friend. Both do that is within my personal friends list. But the intensity of a friendship it should not be the issue.
course has changed since the Internet a lot. The term "friendship" has become relative. Every day, worldwide, "friendships" closed just because both users a mutual friend. It is feared that the virtual networks are increasingly replacing the real social networks. However, you should not worry about "either-or" but rather the coexistence of both network types (virtual and real) consider and evaluate. Most of the friendships are so often between old acquaintances. From old school friends, about former teammates or some who have similar interests.
is a fact in the majority of cases, connecting the two "new" friends something has gone before. The advantage of a virtual social network is now in the communication support.
And the real life changed as a result. The initially cited "social interaction, communication and social change. A recent study "The social side of the internet" by the renowned U.S. Social Research Institute PEW has now shown that the person is encouraged to engage online, in real life has more social contacts. And social commitment is experiencing a boom:
The public is achieved more, you can easily establish and maintain contact with other groups and events to plan and announce to acquire funding, recruit new members and of course, always stay up to date.
The communication skills of the Internet is overwhelming. On the positive side, as in the negative sense.
Basically, I do not know whether I can take anything from this post. Friendly or not, Communication support - probably greater commitment - may be, but in the end remains the same conclusion as before:
has advantages but also disadvantages!
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