Sunday, February 6, 2011

When The Hymen Heals What Does It Look Like

The conquest of space in the time of the power


Science in the service of capital, goods, and the spectacle is nothing other than the capitalized knowledge, a fetishism of the idea and method, an alienated image of human thought. As the size of the pseudo-people their passive knowledge of a mediocre reality, the justification of a magical race of slaves.


For a long time, the power of knowledge in a knowledge has been transformed for power. As heir to the experimental medieval religion in contemporary science met in the context of class society the same functions: they with their eternal intelligence specialists like the daily stupidity of the people. She praises with numbers the size of the human species, while it is nothing more than the organized body of their own limitations and alienations.


Like the industry, which would free the machines, people from work, she now has alienated only by the machine work, so has the science it should historically and rationally free by nature, they only an irrational and anti-historical society alienated. Als Lohnarbeiterin des getrennten Denkens arbeitet die Wissenschaft für das Überleben und kann also das Leben nur als eine mechanische bzw. moralische Formel verstehen. Sie versteht weder den Menschen als Subjekt noch das menschliche Denken als eine Tat, daher ignoriert sie die Geschichte als gewollte Tätigkeit und macht aus den Menschen ‘Patienten’ in ihren Krankenhäusern.


Da sie auf der wesentlichen Lüge ihrer Funktion beruht, kann die Wissenschaft sich selbst nur belügen. Von ihren priesterlichen Vorfahren haben ihre eingebildeten Söldner die Neigung zum Geheimnis und den Sinn für dessen Notwendigkeit bewahrt. Als dynamischer Teil der Rechtfertigung der Staaten ist die wissenschaftliche Körperschaft eager for their guild laws and the secrets of 'Machina ex Deo' (the machine that comes from God) considered that make it a despicable sect. No wonder, for example, if the doctors - these hobbyists in the work force - have illegible writing: it is the police code of monopoly survival.


But if the historical and ideological identification of science with all forms of worldly power clearly shows that it is the States, and consequently no one is misleading, you had to wait but until today, so that the final separation between the class society and a science to disappear, which claimed to be 'neutral' and stand 'at the service of humanity'. In fact, today is the spectacular focused knowledge made because of the impossibility of any scientific research or application without huge funds into the hands of power and aligned with the goals of the state was. There are no more science, not the economy, the military and the ideology is at your service. And the ideology of science shows us their flip side - the ideology of science.


The power that can not tolerate emptiness, has forgiven the areas beyond the sky never vacant, to be the fantasy of approved premises. From the top of the class society in the sky is always was again seen as the source of the separate unreal power. When the state is justified with religious reasons, the sky at the time of religion was included, and now the state wants a scientific justification - that is the sky in the area of science. From Galileo to Werner von Braun, it was only a state ideology: as the religion wanted to keep their time, it could not come into question as to challenge their space. The power must extend their space indefinitely, as it is faced with the impossibility to extend their time.


If heart transplantation is a miserable craft practice still, the chemical and nuclear mass killings of science can not forget it, the 'conquest of space' most spectacular expression of the suppression scientific dar. In relation to the little doctor is the scientific space expert, what is Interpol in relation to the policeman on the corner.


The sky, which was promised earlier by the black-robed priests, is now really touched by the astronauts in a white uniform. Sexless, neutral and superbürokratisiert are the first people to escape to the atmosphere, the stars of a spectacle that day and night hanging over our heads, can overcome distance and temperature and we suppressed by up there as God's cosmic dust. Examples of survival in the highest power to practice the astronauts unintentional critique of the earth: Sentenced to its circular ride or they must die of hunger and cold - they accept obediently ('technical'), the boredom and misery of their satellites. As residents in their space ships from a town planning of the inevitability of scientific gadgets prisoners they stand as examples, behind glass, for their contemporaries, despite the removal of the intentions can not escape the power. As a pure floating billboards, the astronauts in space or jump on the moon, so that people continue to run the pace of work.


If the Christian astronauts of the West and the bureaucratic cosmonauts of the East enjoy it operate, metaphysics and secular morality - that has Gagarin 'God is not seen' while Bormann was praying for the little earth - so they do only as part of its 'spatial service', where everyone has to find the truth of his cult. Just as St. Exupéry at high altitudes only vulgarities uttered three times the truth but in its nature as a military, patriot and idiot was.


The conquest of space is part of the planetary hope of an economic system das mit Waren, Macht und Spektakel derart gesättigt ist, dass es seinen Samen in den Weltraum ausstößt, als er am Ende der Schlinge seiner irdischen Widersprüche ist. Als ein neues Amerika soll der Weltraum den Staaten für ihre Kriege und Kolonien dienen - um Produzenten-Konsumenten hinzuschicken, dank derer es möglich wird, über die Begrenzungen der Welt hinauszugehen. Als Provinz der Akkumulation soll der Weltraum zu einer Anhäufung von Provinzen werden, für die Gesetze, Verträge und internationale Gerichtshöfe schon vorhanden sind. Als neues Jalta-Abkommen zeigt die Verteilung des Weltraums, wie Kapitalisten und Bürokraten unfähig sind, die irdischen Antagonismen und Kämpfe auf der Erdoberfläche to resolve itself.


But the old mole of the revolution that gnaws today on the basis of the system will break down the barriers that separate the science from the generalized knowledge of the historical people. No ideas of separate power and no power over the separate ideas. The generalized self-management of the permanent transformation of the world by the masses will make the science a Basisbanalität and no state more truth.


People will go into space to make the universe is a playground of the last revolt - and those who fought against the forced nature of the boundaries. If the walls then again torn down worden sind, die die Menschen von der heutigen Wissenschaft trennen, ist die Eroberung des Weltraumes kein wirtschaftliches bzw. militärisches ‘Aufrücken’, sondern die von einem Göttergeschlecht erreichte Entfaltung der menschlichen Freiheit und Verwirklichung. Wir werden in den Weltraum fahren nicht als Beamte der Raumfahrtsverwaltung bzw. als ‘Freiwillige’ eines staatlichen Projekts, sondern als Herren ohne Sklaven, die ihre Gebiete Revue passieren lassen: den ganzen, für die Arbeiterräte geplünderten Kosmos.

Eduardo ROTHE – no. 12 (1969)


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